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Exceptions and warnings for the triplestore package.

ArgumentTypeError (TriplestoreError, TypeError)

Invalid argument type.

Source code in tripper/
class ArgumentTypeError(TriplestoreError, TypeError):
    """Invalid argument type."""

ArgumentValueError (TriplestoreError, ValueError)

Invalid argument value (of correct type).

Source code in tripper/
class ArgumentValueError(TriplestoreError, ValueError):
    """Invalid argument value (of correct type)."""

CannotGetFunctionError (TriplestoreError)

Not able to get function documented in the triplestore.

Source code in tripper/
class CannotGetFunctionError(TriplestoreError):
    """Not able to get function documented in the triplestore."""

NamespaceError (TriplestoreError)

Namespace error.

Source code in tripper/
class NamespaceError(TriplestoreError):
    """Namespace error."""

NoSuchIRIError (NamespaceError)

Namespace has no such IRI.

Source code in tripper/
class NoSuchIRIError(NamespaceError):
    """Namespace has no such IRI."""

TriplestoreError (Exception)

Base exception for triplestore errors.

Source code in tripper/
class TriplestoreError(Exception):
    """Base exception for triplestore errors."""

UniquenessError (TriplestoreError)

More than one matching triple.

Source code in tripper/
class UniquenessError(TriplestoreError):
    """More than one matching triple."""

UnusedArgumentWarning (Warning)

Argument is unused.

Source code in tripper/
class UnusedArgumentWarning(Warning):
    """Argument is unused."""