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Tripper module for converting between RDF and other repetations.

Example use:

from tripper import DCTERMS, Literal, Triplestore from tripper.convert import load_container, save_container

ts = Triplestore("rdflib") dataset = {"a": 1, "b": 2} save_container(ts, dataset, ":data_indv") load_container(ts, ":data_indv")

Add additional context to our data individual

ts.add((":data_indv", DCTERMS.title, Literal("My wonderful data")))

load_container(ts, ":data_indv") # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: Unrecognised predicate '' in dict: :data_indv

load_container(ts, ":data_indv", ignore_unrecognised=True)

from_container(container, iri, lang='en', recognised_keys=None, keep=False)

Serialise a basic Python container type (mapping or sequence) as RDF.


Name Type Description Default
container Union[Mapping[str, Any], Sequence[Any]]

The container to be saved. Should be a mapping or sequence. The load_container() function will deserialise them as dict and list, respectively.

iri str

IRI of individual that stands for the container.

lang str

Language to use for mapping keys.

recognised_keys Optional[Union[Dict, str]]

An optional dict that maps mapping keys that correspond to IRIs of recognised RDF properties. If set to the special string "basic", the BASIC_RECOGNISED_KEYS module will be used.

keep bool

Whether to keep the key-value pair representation for mapping items serialised with recognised_keys. Note that this may duplicate potential large literal values.



Type Description

List of RDF triples.


container should not be an empty sequence. The reason for this is that is represented with rdf:nil, which is a single IRI and not a triple.

Source code in tripper/convert/
def from_container(
    container: "Union[Mapping[str, Any], Sequence[Any]]",
    iri: str,
    lang: str = "en",
    recognised_keys: "Optional[Union[Dict, str]]" = None,
    keep: bool = False,
) -> list:
    """Serialise a basic Python container type (mapping or sequence) as RDF.

        container: The container to be saved.  Should be a mapping or
            sequence.  The `load_container()` function will deserialise
            them as dict and list, respectively.
        iri: IRI of individual that stands for the container.
        lang: Language to use for mapping keys.
        recognised_keys: An optional dict that maps mapping keys that
            correspond to IRIs of recognised RDF properties.
            If set to the special string "basic", the
            `BASIC_RECOGNISED_KEYS` module will be used.
        keep: Whether to keep the key-value pair representation for
            mapping items serialised with recognised_keys.  Note that this
            may duplicate potential large literal values.

        List of RDF triples.

        `container` should not be an empty sequence.  The reason for this
        is that is represented with rdf:nil, which is a single IRI and not
        a triple.
    if recognised_keys == "basic":
        recognised_keys = BASIC_RECOGNISED_KEYS

    rdf = []

    def get_obj_iri(obj, uuid):
        """Return IRI for Python object `obj`.  The `uuid` argument is
        appended to blank nodes for uniques."""
        if isinstance(obj, Mapping):
            if not obj:
                return OTEIO.Dictionary
            obj_iri = f"_:dict_{uuid}"
        elif isinstance(obj, Sequence) and not isinstance(obj, str):
            if not obj:
                return RDF.List
            obj_iri = f"_:list_{uuid}"
        elif obj is None:
            return OWL.Nothing
            return parse_literal(obj)

        return obj_iri

    if isinstance(container, Sequence):
        assert not isinstance(container, str)  # nosec
        if not container:
            raise ValueError("empty sequence is not supported")

        rdf.append((iri, RDF.type, RDF.List))

        for i, element in enumerate(container):
            uuid = uuid4()
            first_iri = get_obj_iri(element, uuid)
            rest_iri = RDF.nil if i >= len(container) - 1 else f"_:rest_{uuid}"
            rdf.append((iri, RDF.first, first_iri))
            rdf.append((iri,, rest_iri))
            iri = rest_iri

    elif isinstance(container, Mapping):
        rdf.append((iri, RDF.type, OTEIO.Dictionary))

        for key, value in container.items():
            uuid = uuid4()
            recognised = recognised_keys and key in recognised_keys
            value_iri = get_obj_iri(value, uuid)
            if recognised:
                    (iri, recognised_keys[key], value_iri)  # type: ignore
            if not recognised or keep:
                key_indv = f"_:key_{uuid}"
                value_indv = f"_:value_{uuid}"
                pair = f"_:pair_{uuid}"
                        (key_indv, RDF.type, OTEIO.DictionaryKey),
                            Literal(key, lang=lang),
                        (value_indv, RDF.type, OTEIO.DictionaryValue),
                        (value_indv, EMMO.hasValue, value_iri),
                        (pair, RDF.type, OTEIO.KeyValuePair),
                        (pair, OTEIO.hasDictionaryKey, key_indv),
                        (pair, OTEIO.hasDictionaryValue, value_indv),
                        (iri, OTEIO.hasKeyValuePair, pair),
        raise TypeError("container must be a mapping or sequence")

    return rdf

from_dict(dct, iri, bases=None, lang='en', recognised_keys=None, keep=False)

Serialise a dict as RDF.


Name Type Description Default
dct dict

The dict to be saved.

iri str

IRI of individual that stands for the dict.

bases Optional[Sequence]

Parent class(es) or the dict. Unused.

lang str

Language to use for keys.

recognised_keys Optional[Union[Dict, str]]

An optional dict that maps dict keys that correspond to IRIs of recognised RDF properties. If set to the special string "basic", the BASIC_RECOGNISED_KEYS module will be used.

keep bool

Whether to keep the key-value pair representation for items serialised with recognised_keys. Note that this will duplicate potential large literal values.



Type Description

List of RDF triples.

Source code in tripper/convert/
def from_dict(
    dct: dict,
    iri: str,
    bases: "Optional[Sequence]" = None,
    lang: str = "en",
    recognised_keys: "Optional[Union[Dict, str]]" = None,
    keep: bool = False,
) -> list:
    """Serialise a dict as RDF.

        dct: The dict to be saved.
        iri: IRI of individual that stands for the dict.
        bases: Parent class(es) or the dict.  Unused.
        lang: Language to use for keys.
        recognised_keys: An optional dict that maps dict keys that
            correspond to IRIs of recognised RDF properties.
            If set to the special string "basic", the
            `BASIC_RECOGNISED_KEYS` module will be used.
        keep: Whether to keep the key-value pair representation for
            items serialised with recognised_keys.  Note that this
            will duplicate potential large literal values.

        List of RDF triples.
    del bases  # silence pylint about unused variable
        "from_dict() is deprecated.  Use from_container() instead",
    return from_container(
        dct, iri, lang=lang, recognised_keys=recognised_keys, keep=keep

load_container(ts, iri, recognised_keys=None, ignore_unrecognised=False)

Deserialise a Python container object from a triplestore.


Name Type Description Default
ts Triplestore

Triplestore from which to fetch the dict.

iri str

IRI of individual that stands for the dict to fetch.

recognised_keys Optional[Union[Dict, str]]

An optional dict that maps dict keys that correspond to IRIs of recognised RDF properties. If set to the special string "basic", the BASIC_RECOGNISED_KEYS module will be used.

ignore_unrecognised bool

Ignore relations that has iri as subject and a predicate that is not among the values of recognised_keys or rdf:type. The default is to raise an exception.



Type Description
Union[dict, list]

A Python container object corresponding to iri.

Source code in tripper/convert/
def load_container(
    ts: "Triplestore",
    iri: str,
    recognised_keys: "Optional[Union[Dict, str]]" = None,
    ignore_unrecognised: bool = False,
) -> "Union[dict, list]":
    """Deserialise a Python container object from a triplestore.

        ts: Triplestore from which to fetch the dict.
        iri: IRI of individual that stands for the dict to fetch.
        recognised_keys: An optional dict that maps dict keys that
            correspond to IRIs of recognised RDF properties.
            If set to the special string "basic", the
            `BASIC_RECOGNISED_KEYS` module will be used.
        ignore_unrecognised: Ignore relations that has `iri` as subject and
            a predicate that is not among the values of `recognised_keys`
            or `rdf:type`.  The default is to raise an exception.

        A Python container object corresponding to `iri`.
    # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
    if iri == RDF.nil:
        return []

    if recognised_keys == "basic":
        recognised_keys = BASIC_RECOGNISED_KEYS

    recognised_iris = (
        {v: k for k, v in recognised_keys.items()}  # type: ignore
        if recognised_keys
        else {}
    parents = set(ts.objects(iri, RDF.type))

    def get_obj(value):
        """Return Python object for `value`."""
        value_type = ts.value(value, RDF.type)
        if value_type == OTEIO.Dictionary:
            return load_container(ts, value, recognised_keys=recognised_keys)
        if value_type == RDF.List:
            return load_container(ts, value, recognised_keys=recognised_keys)
        if value == OWL.Nothing:
            return None
        return value.value if isinstance(value, Literal) else value

    if OTEIO.Dictionary in parents:
        container = {}
        for pred, obj in ts.predicate_objects(iri):
            if pred == OTEIO.hasKeyValuePair:
                key_iri = ts.value(obj, OTEIO.hasDictionaryKey)
                key = ts.value(key_iri, EMMO.hasStringValue)
                value_iri = ts.value(obj, OTEIO.hasDictionaryValue)
                value = ts.value(value_iri, EMMO.hasValue)
                container[str(key)] = get_obj(value)
            elif pred in recognised_iris:
                container[recognised_iris[pred]] = get_obj(obj)
            elif not ignore_unrecognised and pred not in (
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Unrecognised predicate '{pred}' in dict: {iri}"

        # Recognised IRIs
        if recognised_keys:
            iris = {v: k for k, v in recognised_keys.items()}  # type: ignore
            for _, p, o in ts.triples(subject=iri):
                key = iris.get(p)  # type: ignore
                if key and p in iris and key not in container:
                    container[key] = (
                        if isinstance(o, Literal)  # type: ignore
                        else o

    elif RDF.List in parents:
        container = []  # type: ignore
        while True:
            first = ts.value(iri, RDF.first)
            rest = ts.value(iri,
            container.append(get_obj(first))  # type: ignore
            if rest == RDF.nil:
            iri = rest

        raise TypeError(
            f"iri '{iri}' should be either a rdf:List or an oteio:Dictionary"

    return container

load_dict(ts, iri, recognised_keys=None)

Deserialise a dict from an RDF triplestore.


Name Type Description Default
ts Triplestore

Triplestore from which to fetch the dict.

iri str

IRI of individual that stands for the dict to fetch.

recognised_keys Optional[Union[Dict, str]]

An optional dict that maps dict keys that correspond to IRIs of recognised RDF properties. If set to the special string "basic", the BASIC_RECOGNISED_KEYS module will be used.



Type Description
Union[dict, list]

A dict corresponding to iri.

Source code in tripper/convert/
def load_dict(
    ts: "Triplestore",
    iri: str,
    recognised_keys: "Optional[Union[Dict, str]]" = None,
) -> "Union[dict, list]":
    """Deserialise a dict from an RDF triplestore.

        ts: Triplestore from which to fetch the dict.
        iri: IRI of individual that stands for the dict to fetch.
        recognised_keys: An optional dict that maps dict keys that
            correspond to IRIs of recognised RDF properties.
            If set to the special string "basic", the
            `BASIC_RECOGNISED_KEYS` module will be used.

        A dict corresponding to `iri`.
        "load_dict() is deprecated.  Use load_container() instead",
    return load_container(ts, iri, recognised_keys=recognised_keys)

save_container(ts, container, iri, lang='en', recognised_keys=None, keep=False)

Save a basic Python container object to a triplestore.


Name Type Description Default
ts Triplestore

Triplestore to which to write the container object.

container Union[Mapping[str, Any], Sequence[Any]]

The container object to be saved.

iri str

IRI of individual that stands for the container object.

lang str

Language to use for keys.

recognised_keys Optional[Union[Dict, str]]

An optional dict that maps dict mapping that correspond to IRIs of recognised RDF properties. If set to the special string "basic", the BASIC_RECOGNISED_KEYS module will be used.

keep bool

Whether to keep the key-value pair representation for items serialised with recognised_keys. Note that this will duplicate potential large literal values.

Source code in tripper/convert/
def save_container(
    ts: "Triplestore",
    container: "Union[Mapping[str, Any], Sequence[Any]]",
    iri: str,
    lang: str = "en",
    recognised_keys: "Optional[Union[Dict, str]]" = None,
    keep: bool = False,
) -> None:
    """Save a basic Python container object to a triplestore.

        ts: Triplestore to which to write the container object.
        container: The container object to be saved.
        iri: IRI of individual that stands for the container object.
        lang: Language to use for keys.
        recognised_keys: An optional dict that maps dict mapping that
            correspond to IRIs of recognised RDF properties.
            If set to the special string "basic", the
            `BASIC_RECOGNISED_KEYS` module will be used.
        keep: Whether to keep the key-value pair representation for
            items serialised with recognised_keys.  Note that this
            will duplicate potential large literal values.
    if "rdf" not in ts.namespaces:
        ts.bind("rdf", RDF)
    if "dcat" not in ts.namespaces:
        ts.bind("dcat", DCAT)
    if "emmo" not in ts.namespaces:
        ts.bind("emmo", EMMO)
    if "oteio" not in ts.namespaces:
        ts.bind("oteio", OTEIO)


save_dict(ts, dct, iri, bases=None, lang='en', recognised_keys=None, keep=False)

Save a dict to a triplestore.


Name Type Description Default
ts Triplestore

Triplestore to which to write the dict.

dct Mapping[str, Any]

The dict to be saved.

iri str

IRI of individual that stands for the dict.

bases Optional[Sequence]

Parent class(es) or the dict. Unused.

lang str

Language to use for keys.

recognised_keys Optional[Union[Dict, str]]

An optional dict that maps dict keys that correspond to IRIs of recognised RDF properties. If set to the special string "basic", the BASIC_RECOGNISED_KEYS module will be used.

keep bool

Whether to keep the key-value pair representation for items serialised with recognised_keys. Note that this will duplicate potential large literal values.

Source code in tripper/convert/
def save_dict(
    ts: "Triplestore",
    dct: "Mapping[str, Any]",
    iri: str,
    bases: "Optional[Sequence]" = None,
    lang: str = "en",
    recognised_keys: "Optional[Union[Dict, str]]" = None,
    keep: bool = False,
) -> None:
    """Save a dict to a triplestore.

        ts: Triplestore to which to write the dict.
        dct: The dict to be saved.
        iri: IRI of individual that stands for the dict.
        bases: Parent class(es) or the dict.  Unused.
        lang: Language to use for keys.
        recognised_keys: An optional dict that maps dict keys that
            correspond to IRIs of recognised RDF properties.
            If set to the special string "basic", the
            `BASIC_RECOGNISED_KEYS` module will be used.
        keep: Whether to keep the key-value pair representation for
            items serialised with recognised_keys.  Note that this
            will duplicate potential large literal values.
    del bases  # silence pylint about unused variable
        "save_dict() is deprecated.  Use save_container() instead",
    return save_container(
        ts, dct, iri, lang=lang, recognised_keys=recognised_keys, keep=keep