Unreleased changes (2025-02-13)¶
Merged pull requests:
- Update #325 (jesper-friis)
- [] pre-commit autoupdate #321 (pre-commit-ci[bot])
v0.4.0 (2025-02-10)¶
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- [] pre-commit autoupdate #317 (pre-commit-ci[bot])
- Add updateEndpoint to SPARQLwrapper #313 (torhaugl)
- Updated the readme file #311 (jesper-friis)
- Drop support for Python 3.7 #310 (jesper-friis)
- Include prefixes from context when populating a triplestore from a csv file #309 (jesper-friis)
- Added support for username/password for sparqlwrapper #308 (jesper-friis)
- Implementing regex search #307 (jesper-friis)
- [] pre-commit autoupdate #306 (pre-commit-ci[bot])
- Rename dataset #304 (jesper-friis)
- Change pathlib to be pathlib and not as uri. This fixes opening in wi… #303 (francescalb)
- Added fixes for the demonstration at the PINK demo #299 (jesper-friis)
- Renamed the dataset subpackage to datadoc #298 (jesper-friis)
- [] pre-commit autoupdate #287 (pre-commit-ci[bot])
- Make datasets with a datamodel an individual of the datamodel #286 (jesper-friis)
- Re-applied fixes from testing datadoc on a use case for PINK. #285 (jesper-friis)
- Command-line datadoc script #281 (jesper-friis)
- Added documentation for datasets #280 (jesper-friis)
- Dataset TODOs #279 (jesper-friis)
- [] pre-commit autoupdate #277 (pre-commit-ci[bot])
- Added csv parser to Tabledoc #275 (jesper-friis)
- Updated dataset figures #274 (jesper-friis)
- New TableDoc class providing a table interface for data documentation #273 (jesper-friis)
- Updated dataset module #272 (jesper-friis)
- Corrected dataset module #271 (jesper-friis)
- Add query to SPARQLwrapper strategy #269 (torhaugl)
- [] pre-commit autoupdate #268 (pre-commit-ci[bot])
- Add support for Python 3.13 #266 (jesper-friis)
- Updated requirements to allow Pint 0.24, which in turn opens for NumPy 2 #265 (jesper-friis)
- Updated documentation format for better rendering #262 (jesper-friis)
- Predefined EMMO namespace with checking and label lookup #261 (jesper-friis)
- [] pre-commit autoupdate #259 (pre-commit-ci[bot])
- [] pre-commit autoupdate #258 (pre-commit-ci[bot])
- Dataset #256 (jesper-friis)
v0.3.4 (2024-10-17)¶
Merged pull requests:
- Allowing backends to indicate whether they prefer the sparql interface #255 (jesper-friis)
- [] pre-commit autoupdate #254 (pre-commit-ci[bot])
- Update n3 format for string with quotes. #253 (pintr)
- Added option to Triplestore.value() to return a generator over all matching values #252 (jesper-friis)
- Ignore safety vulnerabeility 72715 #251 (jesper-friis)
- Fix empty prefix #250 (jesper-friis)
- [] pre-commit autoupdate #249 (pre-commit-ci[bot])
- Backend info to triplestore instance #248 (jesper-friis)
- Added argument
to tripper.convert() #247 (jesper-friis) - [] pre-commit autoupdate #244 (pre-commit-ci[bot])
v0.3.3 (2024-08-26)¶
Implemented enhancements:
- Use Trusted Publishers for PyPI #242
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
v0.3.2 (2024-08-19)¶
Merged pull requests:
- Minor fix for documentation layout #238 (jesper-friis)
- Updated documentation navigation #237 (jesper-friis)
- Updated cd_release workflow #236 (jesper-friis)
v0.3.1 (2024-08-16)¶
Merged pull requests:
- Avoid that tripper.Namespace crashes if the cache directory cannot be accessed #235 (jesper-friis)
- [] pre-commit autoupdate #232 (pre-commit-ci[bot])
- [] pre-commit autoupdate #231 (pre-commit-ci[bot])
- Cleaned up backend tests #230 (jesper-friis)
- Added a fix for parsing rdflib literals. #229 (jesper-friis)
- Add better and more convenient support for rdf:JSON datatype #228 (jesper-friis)
v0.3.0 (2024-06-24)¶
Merged pull requests:
- Tutorial update #227 (jesper-friis)
- Get rid of the last warning in the tests #226 (jesper-friis)
- Get restrictions as dicts #225 (jesper-friis)
- [] pre-commit autoupdate #224 (pre-commit-ci[bot])
- Added an additional test for convert #223 (jesper-friis)
- Minor fix in tutorial #221 (jesper-friis)
- Updated the tutorial #220 (jesper-friis)
- Improved the handling of different return types from the query() method #219 (jesper-friis)
- Correct parsing literals from the rdflib backend. #217 (jesper-friis)
- Do not save cache while interpreter shotdown. #216 (jesper-friis)
- Allow string literal to compare equal to strings. #215 (jesper-friis)
- Also test for Python 3.12 #213 (jesper-friis)
v0.2.16 (2024-05-16)¶
Fixed bugs:
- cannot release #211
Closed issues:
- Add caching and extension to tripper.Namespace #194
- Add support for adding and searching for restrictions #189
Merged pull requests:
- In tripper.convert, commented out recognised keys for oteapi strategies #212 (jesper-friis)
- Use latest SINTEF/ci-cd version #210 (CasperWA)
- Allow prefix with digits #209 (jesper-friis)
- Added test for SPARQL CONSTRUCT query via tripper #207 (jesper-friis)
- Added more recognised keys to tripper.convert #206 (jesper-friis)
- [] pre-commit autoupdate #204 (pre-commit-ci[bot])
- Changed EMMO representation of function arguments from datasets to datum #203 (jesper-friis)
- Added comment suggested by Francesca #201 (jesper-friis)
- Enhanced the use of namespaces #195 (jesper-friis)
- Support for restrictions #190 (jesper-friis)
- Correctly convert rdflib bnodes back to tripper #187 (jesper-friis)
v0.2.15 (2024-03-12)¶
Closed issues:
- Documentation CD (still) fails due to old python version #193
- Publish workflow fails because it uses python 3.7 #191
- Allow untyped literals #182
- Search with ts.triples() doesn't recognise literals #179
- PyBackTrip - external tripper backends available #177
- Surprising literal comparisons #161
- Retain literal types in collection backend #160
- Document implemented backends #157
Merged pull requests:
- Loosen req on pint to include 0.23 (newest) #198 (francescalb)
- Use Python 3.9 in all CI/CD workflows #196 (CasperWA)
- Bump basic CI tests and CD to python 3.9 #192 (ajeklund)
- Cleaned up PR template #188 (jesper-friis)
- Bump mkdocs-material version for security #186 (ajeklund)
- Allow untyped literals #184 (jesper-friis)
- Added test for finding literal triples #183 (jesper-friis)
- Added reference to PyBackTrip #180 (jesper-friis)
- Added support for xsd:nonNegativeInteger literals #178 (jesper-friis)
- Added acknowledgements to readme file. #173 (jesper-friis)
- Retain literal types in collection backend #165 (jesper-friis)
- Improved comparing literals #164 (jesper-friis)
v0.2.14 (2024-01-25)¶
Closed issues:
- Literals are lost when listing triples with rdflib #162
- dependencies are too strict, at least for pint #149
- Function repo plugin system #128
Merged pull requests:
- Retain datatype when listing literals from rdflib #163 (jesper-friis)
- Make it possible to expose an existing rdflib graph via tripper #156 (jesper-friis)
- Mapping function plugin system #152 (jesper-friis)
- Get rid of confusing UnusedArgumentWarning from working code #151 (jesper-friis)
v0.2.13 (2023-11-14)¶
Merged pull requests:
- Added UnknownUnitError #153 (jesper-friis)
v0.2.12 (2023-11-07)¶
Merged pull requests:
- Expand pint requirements to include more versions #150 (francescalb)
v0.2.11 (2023-10-30)¶
Merged pull requests:
- Added new section to README file #148 (jesper-friis)
v0.2.10 (2023-10-19)¶
Merged pull requests:
- Francescalb/testing dependencies #142 (francescalb)
- Clearified that tripper does not depend on DLite and Pydantic #136 (jesper-friis)
- Cleaned up mappings module #132 (jesper-friis)
v0.2.9 (2023-09-29)¶
v0.2.8 (2023-09-12)¶
Merged pull requests:
- Added support for lists in tripper.convert #129 (jesper-friis)
v0.2.7 (2023-08-29)¶
Fixed bugs:
- Fix issues related to renaming of the default branch #116
Merged pull requests:
- Added a module for converting to/from dicts #126 (jesper-friis)
- Update dependabot after changing master branch to 'master' #121 (jesper-friis)
- Also run CI tests on examples in documentation #118 (jesper-friis)
v0.2.6 (2023-06-23)¶
Closed issues:
- Add CI/CD tests for Python 3.11 #102
Merged pull requests:
- One letter words where not allowed in mappings, now they are #117 (francescalb)
- pylint settings #115 (jesper-friis)
- Fix issue with entry points for Python 3.6 and 3.7 #113 (jesper-friis)
- Added DOI badge #109 (jesper-friis)
- Fixed parsing rdf:HTML literals with the rdflib backend #106 (jesper-friis)
- Support Python 3.11 #103 (jesper-friis)
- 92 new triplestore subclass #99 (alfredoisg)
v0.2.5 (2023-05-24)¶
v0.2.4 (2023-04-30)¶
Implemented enhancements:
- Add entrypoint system to link external backend implementation #63
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Added argument
to triplestore.value() #104 (jesper-friis) - Run doctest from CI tests #101 (jesper-friis)
- Added add_data(), get_value() and add_interpolation_source() methods to Triplestore #91 (jesper-friis)
- Added tests for Python 3.11 and 3.6 #84 (jesper-friis)
- Remove some deprecation warnings #83 (jesper-friis)
- Workflow example #81 (jesper-friis)
- Support external backends #80 (jesper-friis)
v0.2.3 (2023-02-05)¶
Closed issues:
- Add a to_yaml() method to MappingStep #66
Merged pull requests:
- Add official support for Python 3.11 #82 (jesper-friis)
- added PR template #77 (alfredoisg)
v0.2.2 (2023-01-30)¶
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- Describe functions with EMMO instead of FnO #65
Merged pull requests:
- Using isort 5.12.0 for pre-commit #76 (CasperWA)
- Visualise #74 (jesper-friis)
- Generate mapping routes from subclasses of Value and MappingStep #73 (jesper-friis)
- Fix deprecated calls syntax to Triplestore.triples() #71 (jesper-friis)
- Made the value optional + added some cleanup #70 (jesper-friis)
- Add map() method to Triplestore #69 (jesper-friis)
- Proper cost function #68 (jesper-friis)
- Updated Triplestore.add_function() to also support EMMO. #67 (jesper-friis)
- Added mappings #62 (jesper-friis)
v0.2.1 (2022-12-18)¶
Closed issues:
- Simplify use of the Triplestore triples() and remove() methods #50
Merged pull requests:
- Commented out __hash__() and __eq__() methods from Literal. #55 (jesper-friis)
- Simplify use of the Triplestore triples() and remove() methods #51 (jesper-friis)
- Separated
argument fromtriplestore_url
in rdflib backend #49 (jesper-friis)
v0.2.0 (2022-12-13)¶
Fixed bugs:
- Deploy docs failing due to wrong dependency installation #53
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Update
extra #54 (CasperWA) - Remove backend packages from requirements #52 (jesper-friis)
- Fix utils.parse_object() #46 (jesper-friis)
v0.1.2 (2022-12-11)¶
Implemented enhancements:
- The return value of
depends on the query #42 - Add DLite collection backend #41
- Implement create_database() and remove_database() methods #34
- SPARQLWrapper backend #10
- Refactor (triplestore module API) #3
Closed issues:
- Revert to using the proper general version for SINTEF/ci-cd #35
- Write in type annotations #33
- Improve README file #18
- Add support for simple persistent storage in the rdflib backend #14
Merged pull requests:
- Added collection backend #44 (jesper-friis)
- Fix return types #43 (CasperWA)
- Updated import statements in the tutorial #40 (jesper-friis)
- Added create_database() and remove_database() methods. #39 (jesper-friis)
- Use the proper version of SINTEF/ci-cd #36 (CasperWA)
- bumped ci-cd version to remove --strict mkdocs command #32 (daniel-sintef)
- 3 refactor triplestorepy triplestore module api #31 (daniel-sintef)
- 3 refactor triplestore #27 (jesper-friis)
- Corrected copyright #21 (jesper-friis)
- Add a useful description to README file. #19 (jesper-friis)
- Added support for simple persistent storage in the rdflib backend #15 (jesper-friis)
- sparqlwrapper backend #11 (jesper-friis)
- Documented return value of the Triplestore.query() and added a test for it #9 (jesper-friis)
v0.1.1 (2022-10-13)¶
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
Merged pull requests:
- Use the package name
) #16 (CasperWA) - Clean up repository & fix workflows #5 (CasperWA)
- Added version number in __init__ to enable local pip install #4 (quaat)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator