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A module for providing access to data based on data documentation from the datasets module.

High-level functions for accessing and storing actual data:

  • load(): Load documented dataset from its source.
  • save(): Save documented dataset to a data resource.


This module may eventually be moved out of tripper into a separate package.

load(ts, iri, distributions=None, use_sparql=None)

Load dataset with given IRI from its source.


Name Type Description Default
ts Triplestore

Triplestore documenting the data to load.

iri str

IRI of the data to load.

distributions Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]]

Name or sequence of names of distribution(s) to try in case the dataset has multiple distributions. The default is to try all documented distributions.

use_sparql Optional[bool]

Whether to access the triplestore with SPARQL. Defaults to ts.prefer_sparql.



Type Description

Bytes object with the underlying data.


For now this requires DLite.

Source code in tripper/datadoc/
def load(
    ts: Triplestore,
    iri: str,
    distributions: "Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]]" = None,
    use_sparql: "Optional[bool]" = None,
) -> bytes:
    """Load dataset with given IRI from its source.

        ts: Triplestore documenting the data to load.
        iri: IRI of the data to load.
        distributions: Name or sequence of names of distribution(s) to
            try in case the dataset has multiple distributions.  The
            default is to try all documented distributions.
        use_sparql: Whether to access the triplestore with SPARQL.
            Defaults to `ts.prefer_sparql`.

        Bytes object with the underlying data.

        For now this requires DLite.
    # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
    # Use the Protocol plugin system from DLite.  Should we move it to tripper?
    import dlite
    from dlite.protocol import Protocol

    dct = load_dict(ts, iri=iri, use_sparql=use_sparql)
    if DCAT.Dataset not in get(dct, "@type"):
        raise TypeError(
            f"expected IRI '{iri}' to be a dataset, but got: "
            f"{', '.join(get(dct, '@type'))}"

    if distributions is None:
        distributions = get(dct, "distribution")

    for dist in distributions:
        url = dist.get("downloadURL", dist.get("accessURL"))  # type: ignore
        if url:
            p = urlparse(url)
            # Mapping of supported schemes - should be moved into the protocol
            # module.
            schemes = {
                "https": "http",
            scheme = schemes.get(p.scheme, p.scheme) if p.scheme else "file"
            location = (
                if p.netloc
                else f"{scheme}:{p.path}"
            id = (
                dist.accessService.get("identifier")  # type: ignore
                if "accessService" in dist
                else None
                with Protocol(scheme, location, options=p.query) as pr:
                    return pr.load(id)
                # pylint: disable=no-member
            except (dlite.DLiteProtocolError, dlite.DLiteIOError):
            except Exception as exc:
                raise IOError(
                    f"cannot access dataset '{iri}' using scheme={scheme}, "
                    f"location={location} and options={p.query}"
                ) from exc

    raise IOError(f"Cannot access dataset: {iri}")

save(ts, data, class_iri=None, dataset=None, distribution=None, generator=None, prefixes=None, use_sparql=None)

Saves data to a dataresource and document it in the triplestore.


Name Type Description Default
ts Triplestore

Triplestore that documents the data to save.

data bytes

Bytes representation of the data to save.

class_iri Optional[str]

IRI of a class in the ontology (e.g. an emmo:Dataset subclass) that describes the dataset that is saved. Is used to select the distribution if that is not given. If distribution is also given, a dcat:distribution value <distribution> restriction will be added to class_iri

dataset Optional[Union[str, dict]]

Either the IRI of the dataset individual standing for the data to be saved or or a dict that in addition to the IRI ('@id' keyword) can provide with additional documentation of the dataset. If dataset is None, a new blank node IRI will be created.

distribution Optional[Union[str, dict]]

Either the IRI of distribution for the data to be saved or a dict additional documentation of the distribution, like media type, parsers, generators etc... If distribution is None and dataset is not a dict with a 'distribution' keyword, a new distribution will be added to the dataset.

generator Optional[str]

Name of generator to use in case the distribution has several generators.

prefixes Optional[dict]

Dict with prefixes in addition to those included in the JSON-LD context. Should map namespace prefixes to IRIs.

use_sparql Optional[bool]

Whether to access the triplestore with SPARQL. Defaults to ts.prefer_sparql.



Type Description

IRI of the dataset.

Source code in tripper/datadoc/
def save(
    ts: Triplestore,
    data: bytes,
    class_iri: "Optional[str]" = None,
    dataset: "Optional[Union[str, dict]]" = None,
    distribution: "Optional[Union[str, dict]]" = None,
    generator: "Optional[str]" = None,
    prefixes: "Optional[dict]" = None,
    use_sparql: "Optional[bool]" = None,
) -> str:
    """Saves data to a dataresource and document it in the triplestore.

        ts: Triplestore that documents the data to save.
        data: Bytes representation of the data to save.
        class_iri: IRI of a class in the ontology (e.g. an `emmo:Dataset`
            subclass) that describes the dataset that is saved.
            Is used to select the `distribution` if that is not given.
            If `distribution` is also given, a
            `dcat:distribution value <distribution>` restriction will be
            added to `class_iri`
        dataset: Either the IRI of the dataset individual standing for
            the data to be saved or or a dict that in addition to the IRI
            ('@id' keyword) can provide with additional documentation of
            the dataset.
            If `dataset` is None, a new blank node IRI will be created.
        distribution: Either the IRI of distribution for the data to be saved
            or a dict additional documentation of the distribution,
            like media type, parsers, generators etc...
            If `distribution` is None and dataset is not a dict with a
            'distribution' keyword, a new distribution will be added
            to the dataset.
        generator: Name of generator to use in case the distribution has
            several generators.
        prefixes: Dict with prefixes in addition to those included in the
            JSON-LD context.  Should map namespace prefixes to IRIs.
        use_sparql: Whether to access the triplestore with SPARQL.
            Defaults to `ts.prefer_sparql`.

        IRI of the dataset.

    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-branches,too-many-statements
    # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
    # Use the Protocol plugin system from DLite.  Should we move it to tripper?
    from dlite.protocol import Protocol

    triples = []
    save_dataset = save_distribution = False

    if dataset is None:
        # __TODO__: Infer dataset from value restriction on `class_iri`
        # This require that we make a SPARQL-version of ts.restriction().
        newiri = f"_:N{secrets.token_hex(16)}"
        typeiri = [DCAT.Dataset, class_iri] if class_iri else DCAT.Dataset
        dataset = AttrDict({"@id": newiri, "@type": typeiri})
        save_dataset = True
    elif isinstance(dataset, str):
        dset = load_dict(ts, iri=dataset, use_sparql=use_sparql)
        if dset:
            dataset = dset
            typeiri = [DCAT.Dataset, class_iri] if class_iri else DCAT.Dataset
            dataset = AttrDict({"@id": dataset, "@type": typeiri})
            save_dataset = True
    elif isinstance(dataset, dict):
        save_dataset = True
        raise TypeError(
            "if given, `dataset` should be either a string or dict"
    dataset: dict  # Tell mypy that this now is a dict

    if distribution is None:
        if "distribution" in dataset:
            distribution = get(dataset, "distribution")[0]
            newiri = f"_:N{secrets.token_hex(16)}"
            distribution = AttrDict(
                {"@id": newiri, "@type": DCAT.Distribution}
            add(dataset, "distribution", distribution)
            triples.append((dataset["@id"], DCAT.distribution, newiri))
            save_distribution = True
    if isinstance(distribution, str):
        distr = load_dict(ts, iri=distribution, use_sparql=use_sparql)
        if distr:
            distribution = distr
            distribution = AttrDict(
                {"@id": distribution, "@type": DCAT.Distribution}
            add(dataset, "distribution", distribution)
            triples.append((dataset["@id"], DCAT.distribution, newiri))
            save_distribution = True
    elif isinstance(distribution, dict):
        add(dataset, DCAT.distribution, distribution)
        if "@id" in distribution:
                (dataset["@id"], DCAT.distribution, distribution["@id"])
        save_distribution = True
        raise TypeError(
            "if given, `distribution` should be either a string or dict"
    distribution: dict  # Tell mypy that this now is a dict

    if isinstance(generator, str):
        for gen in get(distribution, "generator"):
            if gen.get("@id") == generator:
            raise ValueError(
                f"dataset '{dataset}' has no such generator: {generator}"
    elif "generator" in distribution:
        gen = get(distribution, "generator")[0]
        gen = None

    # __TODO__: Check if `class_iri` already has the value restriction.
    # If not, add it to triples

    # __TODO__: Move this mapping of supported schemes into the protocol
    # module.
    schemes = {
        "https": "http",

    # Save data
    url = distribution.get("downloadURL", distribution.get("accessURL"))
    p = urlparse(url)
    scheme = schemes.get(p.scheme, p.scheme) if p.scheme else "file"
    location = (
        f"{scheme}://{p.netloc}{p.path}" if p.netloc else f"{scheme}:{p.path}"
    options = [p.query] if p.query else []
    if gen and "configuration" in gen and "options" in gen.configuration:
        # __TODO__: allow options to also be a dict
    id = (
        if "accessService" in distribution
        else None
    with Protocol(scheme, location, options=";".join(options)) as pr:, id)

    # Update triplestore
    if save_dataset:
        save_dict(ts, dataset, "dataset", prefixes=prefixes)
    elif save_distribution:
        save_dict(ts, distribution, "distribution", prefixes=prefixes)

    return dataset["@id"]