A module encapsulating different triplestores using the strategy design pattern.
For a list over available backends, see
This module has no dependencies outside the standard library, but the triplestore backends may have.
For developers: The usage of s
, p
, and o
represent the different
parts of an RDF Triple: subject, predicate, and object.
Provides a common frontend to a range of triplestore backends.
Source code in tripper/
class Triplestore:
"""Provides a common frontend to a range of triplestore backends."""
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
default_namespaces = {
"xml": XML,
"rdf": RDF,
"rdfs": RDFS,
"xsd": XSD,
"owl": OWL,
# "skos": SKOS,
# "dcat": DCAT,
# "dc": DC,
# "dcterms": DCTERMS,
# "foaf": FOAF,
# "doap": DOAP,
# "map": MAP,
# "dm": DM,
def __init__(
backend: str,
base_iri: "Optional[str]" = None,
database: "Optional[str]" = None,
package: "Optional[str]" = None,
) -> None:
"""Initialise triplestore using the backend with the given name.
backend: Name of the backend module.
For built-in backends or backends provided via a
backend package (using entrypoints), this should just
be the name of the backend with no dots (ex: "rdflib").
For a custom backend, you can provide the full module name,
including the dots (ex:"mypackage.mybackend"). If `package`
is given, `backend` is interpreted relative to `package`
(ex: ..mybackend).
For a list over available backends, see
base_iri: Base IRI used by the add_function() method when adding
new triples. May also be used by the backend.
database: Name of database to connect to (for backends that
supports it).
package: Required when `backend` is a relative module. In that
case, it is relative to `package`.
kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the backend's __init__()
backend_name: Name of backend.
base_iri: Assigned to the `base_iri` argument.
closed: Whether the triplestore is closed.
kwargs: Dict with additional keyword arguments.
namespaces: Dict mapping namespace prefixes to IRIs.
package: Name of Python package if the backend is implemented as
a relative module. Assigned to the `package` argument.
If the backend establishes a connection that should be closed
it is useful to instantiate the Triplestore as a context manager:
>>> import tripper
>>> with tripper.Triplestore("rdflib") as ts:
... print(ts.backend_name)
This ensures that the connection is automatically closed when the
context manager exits.
backend_name = backend.rsplit(".", 1)[-1]
module = self._load_backend(backend, package)
cls = getattr(module, f"{backend_name.title()}Strategy")
self.base_iri = base_iri
self.namespaces: "Dict[str, Namespace]" = {}
self.closed = False
self.backend_name = backend_name
self.database = database
self.package = package
self.kwargs = kwargs.copy()
self.backend = cls(base_iri=base_iri, database=database, **kwargs)
# Cache functions in the triplestore for fast access
self.function_repo: "Dict[str, Union[float, Callable, None]]" = {}
for prefix, namespace in self.default_namespaces.items():
self.bind(prefix, namespace)
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, *exc):
def _load_backend(cls, backend: str, package: "Optional[str]" = None):
"""Load and return backend module. The arguments has the same meaning
as corresponding arguments to __init__().
If `backend` contains a dot or `package` is given, import `backend`
using `package` for relative imports.
Otherwise, if there in the "tripper.backends" entry point group exists
an entry point who's name matches `backend`, then the corresponding
module is loaded.
Otherwise, look for the `backend` in any of the (sub)packages listed
`backend_packages` module variable.
# Explicitly specified backend
if "." in backend or package:
return importlib.import_module(backend, package)
# Installed backend package
if sys.version_info < (3, 10):
# Fallback for Python < 3.10
eps = entry_points().get( # pylint: disable=no-member
"tripper.backends", ()
# New entry_point interface from Python 3.10+
eps = entry_points( # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg
for entry_point in eps:
if == backend:
return importlib.import_module(entry_point.module)
# Backend module
for pack in backend_packages:
return importlib.import_module(f"{pack}.{backend}")
except ModuleNotFoundError:
raise ModuleNotFoundError(
f"No tripper backend named '{backend}'",
# Methods implemented by backend
# ------------------------------
def triples( # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
subject: "Optional[Union[str, Triple]]" = None,
predicate: "Optional[str]" = None,
object: "Optional[Union[str, Literal]]" = None,
triple: "Optional[Triple]" = None,
) -> "Generator[Triple, None, None]":
"""Returns a generator over matching triples.
subject: If given, match triples with this subject.
predicate: If given, match triples with this predicate.
object: If given, match triples with this object.
triple: Deprecated. A `(s, p, o)` tuple where `s`, `p` and `o`
should either be None (matching anything) or an exact IRI
to match.
Generator over all matching triples.
# __TODO__: Remove these lines when deprecated
if triple or (subject and not isinstance(subject, str)):
"The `triple` argument is deprecated. Use `subject`, "
"`predicate` and `object` arguments instead.",
if subject and not isinstance(subject, str):
subject, predicate, object = subject
elif triple:
subject, predicate, object = triple
return self.backend.triples((subject, predicate, object))
def add_triples(self, triples: "Iterable[Triple]") -> None:
"""Add a sequence of triples.
triples: A sequence of `(s, p, o)` tuples to add to the
def remove( # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
subject: "Optional[Union[str, Triple]]" = None,
predicate: "Optional[str]" = None,
object: "Optional[Union[str, Literal]]" = None,
triple: "Optional[Triple]" = None,
) -> None:
"""Remove all matching triples from the backend.
subject: If given, match triples with this subject.
For backward compatibility `subject` may also be an
`(s, p, o)` triple.
predicate: If given, match triples with this predicate.
object: If given, match triples with this object.
triple: Deprecated. A `(s, p, o)` tuple where `s`, `p` and `o`
should either be None (matching anything) or an exact IRI
to match.
# __TODO__: Remove these lines when deprecated
if triple or (subject and not isinstance(subject, str)):
"The `triple` argument is deprecated. Use `subject`, "
"`predicate` and `object` arguments instead.",
if subject and not isinstance(subject, str):
subject, predicate, object = subject
elif triple:
subject, predicate, object = triple
return self.backend.remove((subject, predicate, object))
# Methods optionally implemented by backend
# -----------------------------------------
def close(self) -> None:
"""Calls the backend close() method if it is implemented.
Otherwise, this method has no effect.
# It should be ok to call close() regardless of whether the backend
# implements this method or not. Hence, don't call _check_method().
if not self.closed and hasattr(self.backend, "close"):
self.closed = True
def parse(
**kwargs, # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
) -> None:
"""Parse source and add the resulting triples to triplestore.
source: File-like object. File name or URL.
format: Needed if format can not be inferred from source.
fallback_backend: If the current backend doesn't implement
parse, use the `fallback_backend` instead.
fallback_backend_kwargs: Dict with additional keyword arguments
for initialising `fallback_backend`.
kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the backend.
The rdflib backend supports e.g. `location` (absolute
or relative URL) and `data` (string containing the
data to be parsed) arguments.
if hasattr(self.backend, "parse"):
self.backend.parse(source=source, format=format, **kwargs)
if fallback_backend_kwargs is None:
fallback_backend_kwargs = {}
ts = Triplestore(
backend=fallback_backend, **fallback_backend_kwargs
ts.parse(source=source, format=format, **kwargs)
if hasattr(self.backend, "namespaces"):
for prefix, namespace in self.backend.namespaces().items():
if prefix and prefix not in self.namespaces:
self.namespaces[prefix] = Namespace(namespace)
def serialize(
format="turtle", # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
) -> "Union[None, str]":
"""Serialise triplestore.
destination: File name or object to write to. If None, the
serialisation is returned.
format: Format to serialise as. Supported formats, depends on
the backend.
fallback_backend: If the current backend doesn't implement
serialisation, use the `fallback_backend` instead.
fallback_backend_kwargs: Dict with additional keyword arguments
for initialising `fallback_backend`.
kwargs: Passed to the backend serialize() method.
Serialized string if `destination` is None.
if hasattr(self.backend, "parse"):
return self.backend.serialize(
destination=destination, format=format, **kwargs
if fallback_backend_kwargs is None:
fallback_backend_kwargs = {}
ts = Triplestore(backend=fallback_backend, **fallback_backend_kwargs)
for prefix, iri in self.namespaces.items():
ts.bind(prefix, iri)
return ts.serialize(destination=destination, format=format, **kwargs)
def query(
self, query_object, **kwargs
) -> "Union[List[Tuple[str, ...]], bool, Generator[Triple, None, None]]":
"""SPARQL query.
query_object: String with the SPARQL query.
kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the backend query() method.
The return type depends on type of query:
- SELECT: list of tuples of IRIs for each matching row
- ASK: bool
- CONSTRUCT, DESCRIBE: generator over triples
This method is intended for SELECT, ASK, CONSTRUCT and
DESCRIBE queries. Use the update() method for INSERT and
DELETE queries.
Not all backends may support all types of queries.
return self.backend.query(query_object=query_object, **kwargs)
def update(self, update_object, **kwargs) -> None:
"""Update triplestore with SPARQL.
update_object: String with the SPARQL query.
kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the backend update() method.
This method is intended for INSERT and DELETE queries. Use
the query() method for SELECT, ASK, CONSTRUCT and DESCRIBE queries.
return self.backend.update(update_object=update_object, **kwargs)
def bind( # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements
prefix: str,
namespace: "Union[str, Namespace, Triplestore, None]" = "",
) -> Namespace:
"""Bind prefix to namespace and return the new Namespace object.
prefix: Prefix to bind the the namespace.
namespace: Namespace to bind to. The default is to bind to the
`base_iri` of the current triplestore.
If `namespace` is None, the corresponding prefix is removed.
kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed to the Namespace()
New Namespace object or None if namespace is removed.
if namespace == "":
namespace = self
if isinstance(namespace, str):
ns = Namespace(namespace, **kwargs)
elif isinstance(namespace, Triplestore):
if not namespace.base_iri:
raise ValueError(
f"triplestore object {namespace} has no `base_iri`"
ns = Namespace(namespace.base_iri, **kwargs)
elif isinstance(namespace, Namespace):
# pylint: disable=protected-access
ns = Namespace(namespace._iri, **kwargs)
elif namespace is None:
del self.namespaces[prefix]
return # type: ignore
raise TypeError(f"invalid `namespace` type: {type(namespace)}")
if hasattr(self.backend, "bind"):
prefix, ns._iri # pylint: disable=protected-access
self.namespaces[prefix] = ns
return ns
def create_database(cls, backend: str, database: str, **kwargs):
"""Create a new database in backend.
backend: Name of backend.
database: Name of the new database.
kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the backend
create_database() method.
This is a class method, which operates on the backend
triplestore without connecting to it.
cls._check_backend_method(backend, "create_database")
backend_class = cls._get_backend(backend)
return backend_class.create_database(database=database, **kwargs)
def remove_database(cls, backend: str, database: str, **kwargs):
"""Remove a database in backend.
backend: Name of backend.
database: Name of the database to be removed.
kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the backend
remove_database() method.
This is a class method, which operates on the backend
triplestore without connecting to it.
cls._check_backend_method(backend, "remove_database")
backend_class = cls._get_backend(backend)
return backend_class.remove_database(database=database, **kwargs)
def list_databases(cls, backend: str, **kwargs):
"""For backends that supports multiple databases, list of all
backend: Name of backend.
kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the backend
list_databases() method.
This is a class method, which operates on the backend
triplestore without connecting to it.
cls._check_backend_method(backend, "list_databases")
backend_class = cls._get_backend(backend)
return backend_class.list_databases(**kwargs)
# Convenient methods
# ------------------
# These methods are modelled after rdflib and provide some convinient
# interfaces to the triples(), add_triples() and remove() methods
# implemented by all backends.
prefer_sparql = property(
fget=lambda self: getattr(self.backend, "prefer_sparql", None),
"Whether the backend prefer SPARQL over the triples() interface. "
"Is None if not specified by the backend."
"Even though Tripper requires that the Triplestore.triples() is "
"implemented, Triplestore.query() must be used for some "
"backends in specific cases (like fuseki when working on RDF "
"lists) because of how blank nodes are treated. "
"The purpose of this property is to let tripper "
"automatically select the most appropriate interface depending "
"on the current backend settings."
def _get_backend(cls, backend: str, package: "Optional[str]" = None):
"""Returns the class implementing the given backend."""
module = cls._load_backend(backend, package=package)
return getattr(module, f"{backend.title()}Strategy")
def _check_backend_method(cls, backend: str, name: str):
"""Checks that `backend` has a method called `name`.
Raises NotImplementedError if it hasn't.
backend_class = cls._get_backend(backend)
if not hasattr(backend_class, name):
raise NotImplementedError(
f"Triplestore backend {backend!r} do not implement a "
f'"{name}()" method.'
def _check_method(self, name):
"""Check that backend implements the given method."""
self._check_backend_method(self.backend_name, name)
def add(self, triple: "Triple"):
"""Add `triple` to triplestore."""
def value( # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,too-many-positional-arguments
) -> "Union[str, Literal]":
"""Return the value for a pair of two criteria.
Useful if one knows that there may only be one value.
Two of `subject`, `predicate` or `object` must be provided.
subject: Possible criteria to match.
predicate: Possible criteria to match.
object: Possible criteria to match.
default: Value to return if no matches are found.
any: Used to define how many values to return. Can be set to:
`False` (default): return the value or raise UniquenessError
if there is more than one matching value.
`True`: return any matching value if there is more than one.
`None`: return a generator over all matching values.
lang: If provided, require that the value must be a localised
literal with the given language code.
The value of the `subject`, `predicate` or `object` that is
spo = (subject, predicate, object)
if sum(iri is None for iri in spo) != 1:
raise ValueError(
"Exactly one of `subject`, `predicate` or `object` must be "
# Index of subject-predicate-object argument that is None
(idx,) = [i for i, v in enumerate(spo) if v is None]
triples = self.triples(subject, predicate, object)
if lang:
triples = (
for t in triples
if isinstance(t[idx], Literal)
and t[idx].lang == lang # type: ignore
if any is None:
return (t[idx] for t in triples) # type: ignore
value = next(triples)[idx]
except StopIteration:
return default
except StopIteration:
return value
if any is True:
return value
raise UniquenessError("More than one match")
def subjects(
self, predicate=None, object=None # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
"""Returns a generator of subjects for given predicate and object."""
for s, _, _ in self.triples(predicate=predicate, object=object):
yield s
def predicates(
self, subject=None, object=None # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
"""Returns a generator of predicates for given subject and object."""
for _, p, _ in self.triples(subject=subject, object=object):
yield p
def objects(self, subject=None, predicate=None):
"""Returns a generator of objects for given subject and predicate."""
for _, _, o in self.triples(subject=subject, predicate=predicate):
yield o
def subject_predicates(
self, object=None
): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
"""Returns a generator of (subject, predicate) tuples for given
for s, p, _ in self.triples(object=object):
yield s, p
def subject_objects(self, predicate=None):
"""Returns a generator of (subject, object) tuples for given
for s, _, o in self.triples(predicate=predicate):
yield s, o
def predicate_objects(self, subject=None):
"""Returns a generator of (predicate, object) tuples for given
for _, p, o in self.triples(subject=subject):
yield p, o
def set(self, triple):
"""Convenience method to update the value of object.
Removes any existing triples for subject and predicate before adding
the given `triple`.
s, p, _ = triple
self.remove(s, p)
def has(
self, subject=None, predicate=None, object=None
): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
"""Returns true if the triplestore has any triple matching
the give subject, predicate and/or object."""
triple = self.triples(
subject=subject, predicate=predicate, object=object
except StopIteration:
return False
return True
# Methods providing additional functionality
# ------------------------------------------
def expand_iri(self, iri: str):
Return the full IRI if `iri` is prefixed.
Otherwise `iri` isreturned.
>>> from tripper import Triplestore
>>> ts = Triplestore(backend="rdflib")
# Unknown prefix raises an exception
>>> ts.expand_iri("ex:Concept") # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):
tripper.errors.NamespaceError: unknown namespace: 'ex'
>>> EX = ts.bind("ex", "")
>>> ts.expand_iri("ex:Concept")
# Returns iri if it has no prefix
>>> ts.expand_iri("")
match = re.match(_MATCH_PREFIXED_IRI, iri)
if match:
prefix, name = match.groups()
if prefix is None:
prefix = ""
if prefix not in self.namespaces:
raise NamespaceError(f"unknown namespace: '{prefix}'")
return f"{self.namespaces[prefix]}{name}"
return iri
def prefix_iri(self, iri: str, require_prefixed: bool = False):
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
"""Return prefixed IRI.
This is the reverse of expand_iri().
If `require_prefixed` is true, a NamespaceError exception is raised
if no prefix can be found.
>>> from tripper import Triplestore
>>> ts = Triplestore(backend="rdflib")
>>> ts.prefix_iri("")
>>> ts.prefix_iri(
... "", require_prefixed=True
... ) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):
tripper.errors.NamespaceError: No prefix defined for IRI:
>>> EX = ts.bind("ex", "")
>>> ts.prefix_iri("")
if not re.match(_MATCH_PREFIXED_IRI, iri):
for prefix, namespace in self.namespaces.items():
if iri.startswith(str(namespace)):
return f"{prefix}:{iri[len(str(namespace)):]}"
if require_prefixed:
raise NamespaceError(f"No prefix defined for IRI: {iri}")
return iri
# Types of restrictions defined in OWL
_restriction_types = {
"some": (OWL.someValueFrom, None),
"only": (OWL.allValueFrom, None),
"exactly": (OWL.onClass, OWL.qualifiedCardinality),
"min": (OWL.onClass, OWL.minQualifiedCardinality),
"max": (OWL.onClass, OWL.maxQualifiedCardinality),
"value": (OWL.hasValue, None),
def add_restriction( # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,too-many-positional-arguments
cls: str,
property: str,
value: "Union[str, Literal]",
type: "RestrictionType",
cardinality: "Optional[int]" = None,
hashlength: int = 16,
) -> str:
"""Add a restriction to a class in the triplestore.
cls: IRI of class to which the restriction applies.
property: IRI of restriction property.
value: The IRI or literal value of the restriction target.
type: The type of the restriction. Should be one of:
- some: existential restriction (value is a class IRI)
- only: universal restriction (value is a class IRI)
- exactly: cardinality restriction (value is a class IRI)
- min: minimum cardinality restriction (value is a class IRI)
- max: maximum cardinality restriction (value is a class IRI)
- value: Value restriction (value is an IRI of an individual
or a literal)
cardinality: the cardinality value for cardinality restrictions.
hashlength: Number of bytes in the hash part of the bnode IRI.
The IRI of the created blank node representing the restriction.
iri = bnode_iri(
source=f"{cls} {property} {value} {type} {cardinality}",
triples = [
(cls, RDFS.subClassOf, iri),
(iri, RDF.type, OWL.Restriction),
(iri, OWL.onProperty, property),
if type not in self._restriction_types:
raise ArgumentValueError(
'`type` must be one of: "some", "only", "exactly", "min", '
'"max" or "value"'
pred, card = self._restriction_types[type]
triples.append((iri, pred, value))
if card:
if not cardinality:
raise ArgumentTypeError(
f"`cardinality` must be provided for type='{type}'"
Literal(cardinality, datatype=XSD.nonNegativeInteger),
return iri
def restrictions( # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,too-many-positional-arguments
cls: "Optional[str]" = None,
property: "Optional[str]" = None,
value: "Optional[Union[str, Literal]]" = None,
type: "Optional[RestrictionType]" = None,
cardinality: "Optional[int]" = None,
asdict: bool = True,
) -> "Generator[Triple, None, None]":
# pylint: disable=too-many-boolean-expressions
"""Returns a generator over matching restrictions.
cls: IRI of class to which the restriction applies.
property: IRI of restriction property.
value: The IRI or literal value of the restriction target.
type: The type of the restriction. Should be one of:
- some: existential restriction (value is a class IRI)
- only: universal restriction (value is a class IRI)
- exactly: cardinality restriction (value is a class IRI)
- min: minimum cardinality restriction (value is a class IRI)
- max: maximum cardinality restriction (value is a class IRI)
- value: Value restriction (value is an IRI of an individual
or a literal)
cardinality: the cardinality value for cardinality restrictions.
asdict: Whether to returned generator is over dicts (see
_get_restriction_dict()). Default is to return a generator
over blank node IRIs.
A generator over matching restrictions. See `asdict` argument
for types iterated over.
if type is None:
types = set(self._restriction_types.keys())
elif type not in self._restriction_types:
raise ArgumentValueError(
f"Invalid `type='{type}'`, it must be one of: "
f"{', '.join(self._restriction_types.keys())}."
types = {type} if isinstance(type, str) else set(type)
if isinstance(value, Literal):
elif isinstance(value, str):
if cardinality:
types.intersection_update({"exactly", "min", "max"})
if not types:
raise ArgumentValueError(
f"Inconsistent type='{type}', value='{value}' and "
f"cardinality='{cardinality}' arguments"
pred = {self._restriction_types[t][0] for t in types}
card = {
for t in types
if self._restriction_types[t][1]
if cardinality:
lcard = Literal(cardinality, datatype=XSD.nonNegativeInteger)
for iri in self.subjects(predicate=OWL.onProperty, object=property):
if (
self.has(iri, RDF.type, OWL.Restriction)
and (not cls or self.has(cls, RDFS.subClassOf, iri))
and any(self.has(iri, p, value) for p in pred)
and (
not card
or not cardinality
or any(self.has(iri, c, lcard) for c in card)
yield self._get_restriction_dict(iri) if asdict else iri
def _get_restriction_dict(self, iri):
"""Return a dict describing restriction with `iri`.
The returned dict has the following keys:
- iri: (str) IRI of the restriction itself (blank node).
- cls: (str) IRI of class to which the restriction applies.
- property: (str) IRI of restriction property
- type: (str) One of: "some", "only", "exactly", "min", "max", "value".
- cardinality: (int) Restriction cardinality (optional).
- value: (str|Literal) IRI or literal value of the restriction target.
dct = dict(self.predicate_objects(iri))
if OWL.onClass in dct:
((t, p, c),) = [
(t, p, c)
for t, (p, c) in self._restriction_types.items()
if c in dct
((t, p, c),) = [
(t, p, c)
for t, (p, c) in self._restriction_types.items()
if p in dct
return {
"iri": iri,
"cls": self.value(predicate=RDFS.subClassOf, object=iri),
"property": dct[OWL.onProperty],
"type": t,
"cardinality": int(dct[c]) if c else None,
"value": dct[p],
def map(
source: str,
target: str,
cost: "Optional[Union[float, Callable]]" = None,
target_cost: bool = True,
"""Add 'mapsTo' relation to the triplestore.
source: Source IRI.
target: IRI of target ontological concept.
cost: User-defined cost of following this mapping relation
represented as a float. It may be given either as a
float or as a callable taking three arguments
cost(triplestore, input_iris, output_iri)
and returning the cost as a float.
target_cost: Whether the cost is assigned to mapping steps
that have `target` as output.
return self.add_mapsTo(
def add_mapsTo( # pylint: disable=too-many-positional-arguments
target: str,
source: str,
property_name: "Optional[str]" = None,
cost: "Optional[Union[float, Callable]]" = None,
target_cost: bool = True,
"""Add 'mapsTo' relation to triplestore.
target: IRI of target ontological concept.
source: Source IRI (or entity object).
property_name: Name of property if `source` is an entity or
an entity IRI.
cost: User-defined cost of following this mapping relation
represented as a float. It may be given either as a
float or as a callable taking three arguments
cost(triplestore, input_iris, output_iri)
and returning the cost as a float.
target_cost: Whether the cost is assigned to mapping steps
that have `target` as output.
This is equivalent to the `map()` method, but reverts the
two first arguments and adds the `property_name` argument.
self.bind("map", MAP)
if not property_name and not isinstance(source, str):
raise TripperError(
"`property_name` is required when `target` is not a string."
target = self.expand_iri(target)
source = self.expand_iri(infer_iri(source))
if property_name:
self.add((f"{source}#{property_name}", MAP.mapsTo, target))
self.add((source, MAP.mapsTo, target))
if cost is not None:
dest = target if target_cost else source
self._add_cost(cost, dest)
def _get_function(self, func_iri):
"""Returns Python function object corresponding to `func_iri`.
Raises CannotGetFunctionError on failure.
If the function is cached in the the `function_repo` attribute,
it is returned directly.
Otherwise an attempt is made to import the module implementing the
function. If that fails, the corresponding PyPI package is first
installed before importing the module again.
Finally the function is cached and returned.
Note: Don't use call this method directly. Use instead the
`eval_function()` method, which will at some point will provide
sandboxing for security.
if func_iri in self.function_repo and self.function_repo[func_iri]:
return self.function_repo[func_iri]
func_name = self.value(func_iri, OTEIO.hasPythonFunctionName)
module_name = self.value(func_iri, OTEIO.hasPythonModuleName)
package_name = self.value(func_iri, OTEIO.hasPythonPackageName)
if not func_name or not module_name:
raise CannotGetFunctionError(
f"no documentation of how to access function: {func_iri}"
# Import module implementing the function
module = importlib.import_module(module_name, package_name)
except ModuleNotFoundError:
# If we cannot find the module, try to install the pypi
# package and try to import the module again
pypi_package = self.value(func_iri, OTEIO.hasPypiPackageName)
if not pypi_package:
raise CannotGetFunctionError( # pylint: disable=raise-missing-from
f"PyPI package not documented for function: {func_iri}"
try: # nosec
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
raise CannotGetFunctionError(
f"failed installing PyPI package '{pypi_package}'"
) from exc
module = importlib.import_module(module_name, package_name)
except ModuleNotFoundError as exc:
raise CannotGetFunctionError(
f"failed importing module '{module_name}'"
+ f" from '{package_name}'"
if package_name
else ""
) from exc
func = getattr(module, str(func_name))
self.function_repo[func_iri] = func
return func
def eval_function(self, func_iri, args=(), kwargs=None) -> "Any":
"""Evaluate mapping function and return the result.
func_iri: IRI of the function to be evaluated.
args: Sequence of positional arguments passed to the function.
kwargs: Mapping of keyword arguments passed to the function.
The return value of the function.
The current implementation does not protect against side
effect or malicious code. Be warned!
This may be improved in the future.
func = self._get_function(func_iri)
if not kwargs:
kwargs = {}
# FIXME: Add sandboxing
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
return result
def add_function( # pylint: disable=too-many-positional-arguments
func: "Union[Callable, str]",
expects: "Union[str, Sequence, Mapping]" = (),
returns: "Union[str, Sequence]" = (),
base_iri: "Optional[str]" = None,
standard: str = "emmo",
cost: "Optional[Union[float, Callable]]" = None,
func_name: "Optional[str]" = None,
module_name: "Optional[str]" = None,
package_name: "Optional[str]" = None,
pypi_package_name: "Optional[str]" = None,
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-arguments
"""Inspect function and add triples describing it to the triplestore.
func: Function to describe. Should either be a callable or a
string with a unique function IRI.
expects: Sequence of IRIs to ontological concepts corresponding
to positional arguments of `func`. May also be given as a
dict mapping argument names to corresponding ontological IRIs.
returns: IRI of return value. May also be given as a sequence
of IRIs, if multiple values are returned.
base_iri: Base of the IRI representing the function in the
knowledge base. Defaults to the base IRI of the triplestore.
standard: Name of ontology to use when describing the function.
Valid values are:
- "emmo": Elementary Multiperspective Material Ontology (EMMO)
- "fno": Function Ontology (FnO)
cost: User-defined cost of following this mapping relation
represented as a float. It may be given either as a
float or as a callable taking three arguments
cost(triplestore, input_iris, output_iri)
and returning the cost as a float.
func_name: Function name. Needed if `func` is given as an IRI.
module_name: Fully qualified name of Python module implementing
this function. Default is to infer from `func`.
implementing the function.
package_name: Name of Python package implementing this function.
Default is inferred from either the module or first part of
pypi_package_name: Name and version of PyPI package implementing
this mapping function (specified as in requirements.txt).
Defaults to `package_name`.
func_iri: IRI of the added function.
if isinstance(expects, str):
expects = [expects]
if isinstance(returns, str):
returns = [returns]
method = getattr(self, f"_add_function_{standard}")
func_iri = method(func, expects, returns, base_iri)
self.function_repo[func_iri] = func if callable(func) else None
if cost is not None:
self._add_cost(cost, func_iri)
# Add standard-independent documentation of how to access the
# mapping function
func=func if callable(func) else None,
return func_iri
def _add_function_doc( # pylint: disable=too-many-positional-arguments
func_iri: "str",
func: "Optional[Callable]" = None,
func_name: "Optional[str]" = None,
module_name: "Optional[str]" = None,
package_name: "Optional[str]" = None,
pypi_package_name: "Optional[str]" = None,
"""Add standard-independent documentation of how to access the
func_iri: IRI of individual in the triplestore that stands for
the function.
func: Optional reference to the function itself.
func_name: Function name. Needed if `func` is given as an IRI.
module_name: Fully qualified name of Python module implementing
this function. Default is to infer from `func`.
implementing the function.
package_name: Name of Python package implementing this function.
Default is inferred from either the module or first part of
pypi_package_name: Name and version of PyPI package implementing
this mapping function (specified as in requirements.txt).
Defaults to `package_name`.
if callable(func):
func_name = func.__name__
module = inspect.getmodule(func)
if not module:
raise TypeError(
f"inspect is not able to infer module from function "
if not module_name:
module_name = module.__name__
if not package_name:
package_name = module.__package__ # type: ignore
if not pypi_package_name:
pypi_package_name = package_name
if func_name and module_name:
self.bind("oteio", OTEIO)
Literal(func_name, datatype=XSD.string),
Literal(module_name, datatype=XSD.string),
if package_name:
Literal(package_name, datatype=XSD.string),
if pypi_package_name:
Literal(pypi_package_name, datatype=XSD.string),
f"Function and module name for function '{func_name}' "
"is not provided and cannot be inferred. How to access "
"the function will not be documented.",
def _add_cost(
cost: "Union[float, Callable]",
"""Help function that adds `cost` to destination IRI `dest_iri`.
cost: User-defined cost of following this mapping relation
represented as a float. It may be given either as a
float or as a callable taking three arguments
cost(triplestore, input_iris, output_iri)
and returning the cost as a float.
dest_iri: destination iri that the cost should be associated with.
base_iri: Base of the IRI representing the function in the
knowledge base. Defaults to the base IRI of the triplestore.
pypi_package_name: Name and version of PyPI package implementing
this cost function (specified as in requirements.txt).
if base_iri is None:
base_iri = self.base_iri if self.base_iri else ":"
if self.has(dest_iri, DM.hasCost):
warnings.warn(f"A cost is already assigned to IRI: {dest_iri}")
elif callable(cost):
cost_iri = f"{base_iri}cost_function{function_id(cost)}"
(dest_iri, DM.hasCost, Literal(cost_iri, datatype=XSD.anyURI))
self.function_repo[cost_iri] = cost
self.add((dest_iri, DM.hasCost, Literal(cost)))
def _get_cost(self, dest_iri, input_iris=(), output_iri=None):
"""Return evaluated cost for given destination iri."""
v = self.value(dest_iri, DM.hasCost)
if v.datatype and v.datatype != XSD.anyURI:
return v.value
cost = self._get_function(v.value)
return cost(self, input_iris, output_iri)
def _add_function_fno(self, func, expects, returns, base_iri):
"""Implementing add_function() for FnO."""
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-statements
self.bind("fno", FNO)
self.bind("dcterms", DCTERMS)
self.bind("map", MAP)
if base_iri is None:
base_iri = self.base_iri if self.base_iri else ":"
if callable(func):
fid = function_id(func) # Function id
func_iri = f"{base_iri}{func.__name__}_{fid}"
name = func.__name__
doc_string = inspect.getdoc(func)
parlist = f"_:{func.__name__}{fid}_parlist"
outlist = f"_:{func.__name__}{fid}_outlist"
if isinstance(expects, Sequence):
pars = list(zip(expects, inspect.signature(func).parameters))
pars = [
(expects[par], par)
for par in inspect.signature(func).parameters
elif isinstance(func, str):
func_iri = func
name = split_iri(func)[1]
doc_string = ""
parlist = f"_:{func_iri}_parlist"
outlist = f"_:{func_iri}_outlist"
pariris = (
expects if isinstance(expects, Sequence) else expects.values()
parnames = [split_iri(pariri)[1] for pariri in pariris]
pars = list(zip(pariris, parnames))
raise TypeError("`func` should be either a callable or an IRI")
self.add((func_iri, RDF.type, FNO.Function))
self.add((func_iri, RDFS.label, en(name)))
self.add((func_iri, FNO.expects, parlist))
self.add((func_iri, FNO.returns, outlist))
if doc_string:
self.add((func_iri, DCTERMS.description, en(doc_string)))
lst = parlist
for i, (iri, parname) in enumerate(pars):
lst_next = f"{parlist}{i+2}" if i < len(pars) - 1 else RDF.nil
par = f"{func_iri}_parameter{i+1}_{parname}"
self.add((par, RDF.type, FNO.Parameter))
self.add((par, RDFS.label, en(parname)))
self.add((par, MAP.mapsTo, iri))
self.add((lst, RDF.first, par))
self.add((lst,, lst_next))
lst = lst_next
lst = outlist
for i, iri in enumerate(returns):
lst_next = f"{outlist}{i+2}" if i < len(returns) - 1 else RDF.nil
val = f"{func_iri}_output{i+1}"
self.add((val, RDF.type, FNO.Output))
self.add((val, MAP.mapsTo, iri))
self.add((lst, RDF.first, val))
self.add((lst,, lst_next))
lst = lst_next
return func_iri
def _add_function_emmo(self, func, expects, returns, base_iri):
"""Implementing add_function() method for the "emmo" standard."""
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
self.bind("emmo", EMMO)
self.bind("dcterms", DCTERMS)
self.bind("map", MAP)
# Hardcode EMMO IRIs to avoid slow lookup
Task = EMMO.EMMO_4299e344_a321_4ef2_a744_bacfcce80afc
Datum = EMMO.EMMO_50d6236a_7667_4883_8ae1_9bb5d190423a
hasInput = EMMO.EMMO_36e69413_8c59_4799_946c_10b05d266e22
hasOutput = EMMO.EMMO_c4bace1d_4db0_4cd3_87e9_18122bae2840
# Software = EMMO.EMMO_8681074a_e225_4e38_b586_e85b0f43ce38
# hasSoftware = EMMO.Software # TODO: fix when EMMO has hasSoftware
if base_iri is None:
base_iri = self.base_iri if self.base_iri else ":"
if callable(func):
fid = function_id(func) # Function id
func_iri = f"{base_iri}{func.__name__}_{fid}"
name = func.__name__
doc_string = inspect.getdoc(func)
if isinstance(expects, Sequence):
pars = list(zip(inspect.signature(func).parameters, expects))
pars = expects.items()
elif isinstance(func, str):
func_iri = func
name = split_iri(func)[1]
doc_string = ""
pariris = (
expects if isinstance(expects, Sequence) else expects.values()
parnames = [split_iri(pariri)[1] for pariri in pariris]
pars = list(zip(parnames, pariris))
raise TypeError("`func` should be either a callable or an IRI")
self.add((func_iri, RDF.type, Task))
self.add((func_iri, RDFS.label, en(name)))
for parname, iri in pars:
self.add((iri, RDF.type, Datum))
self.add((iri, RDFS.label, en(parname)))
self.add((func_iri, hasInput, iri))
for iri in returns:
self.add((iri, RDF.type, Datum))
self.add((func_iri, hasOutput, iri))
if doc_string:
self.add((func_iri, DCTERMS.description, en(doc_string)))
return func_iri
Whether the backend prefer SPARQL over the triples() interface. Is None if not specified by the backend.
Even though Tripper requires that the Triplestore.triples() is implemented, Triplestore.query() must be used for some backends in specific cases (like fuseki when working on RDF lists) because of how blank nodes are treated.
The purpose of this property is to let tripper automatically select the most appropriate interface depending on the current backend settings.
__init__(self, backend, base_iri=None, database=None, package=None, **kwargs)
Initialise triplestore using the backend with the given name.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
backend |
str |
Name of the backend module. For built-in backends or backends provided via a backend package (using entrypoints), this should just be the name of the backend with no dots (ex: "rdflib"). For a custom backend, you can provide the full module name,
including the dots (ex:"mypackage.mybackend"). If For a list over available backends, see |
required |
base_iri |
'Optional[str]' |
Base IRI used by the add_function() method when adding new triples. May also be used by the backend. |
None |
database |
'Optional[str]' |
Name of database to connect to (for backends that supports it). |
None |
package |
'Optional[str]' |
Required when |
None |
kwargs |
Keyword arguments passed to the backend's init() method. |
{} |
Name | Type | Description |
backend_name |
Name of backend. |
base_iri |
Assigned to the |
closed |
Whether the triplestore is closed. |
kwargs |
Dict with additional keyword arguments. |
namespaces |
Dict mapping namespace prefixes to IRIs. |
package |
Name of Python package if the backend is implemented as
a relative module. Assigned to the |
If the backend establishes a connection that should be closed it is useful to instantiate the Triplestore as a context manager:
>>> import tripper
>>> with tripper.Triplestore("rdflib") as ts:
... print(ts.backend_name)
This ensures that the connection is automatically closed when the context manager exits.
Source code in tripper/
def __init__(
backend: str,
base_iri: "Optional[str]" = None,
database: "Optional[str]" = None,
package: "Optional[str]" = None,
) -> None:
"""Initialise triplestore using the backend with the given name.
backend: Name of the backend module.
For built-in backends or backends provided via a
backend package (using entrypoints), this should just
be the name of the backend with no dots (ex: "rdflib").
For a custom backend, you can provide the full module name,
including the dots (ex:"mypackage.mybackend"). If `package`
is given, `backend` is interpreted relative to `package`
(ex: ..mybackend).
For a list over available backends, see
base_iri: Base IRI used by the add_function() method when adding
new triples. May also be used by the backend.
database: Name of database to connect to (for backends that
supports it).
package: Required when `backend` is a relative module. In that
case, it is relative to `package`.
kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the backend's __init__()
backend_name: Name of backend.
base_iri: Assigned to the `base_iri` argument.
closed: Whether the triplestore is closed.
kwargs: Dict with additional keyword arguments.
namespaces: Dict mapping namespace prefixes to IRIs.
package: Name of Python package if the backend is implemented as
a relative module. Assigned to the `package` argument.
If the backend establishes a connection that should be closed
it is useful to instantiate the Triplestore as a context manager:
>>> import tripper
>>> with tripper.Triplestore("rdflib") as ts:
... print(ts.backend_name)
This ensures that the connection is automatically closed when the
context manager exits.
backend_name = backend.rsplit(".", 1)[-1]
module = self._load_backend(backend, package)
cls = getattr(module, f"{backend_name.title()}Strategy")
self.base_iri = base_iri
self.namespaces: "Dict[str, Namespace]" = {}
self.closed = False
self.backend_name = backend_name
self.database = database
self.package = package
self.kwargs = kwargs.copy()
self.backend = cls(base_iri=base_iri, database=database, **kwargs)
# Cache functions in the triplestore for fast access
self.function_repo: "Dict[str, Union[float, Callable, None]]" = {}
for prefix, namespace in self.default_namespaces.items():
self.bind(prefix, namespace)
add(self, triple)
Add triple
to triplestore.
Source code in tripper/
def add(self, triple: "Triple"):
"""Add `triple` to triplestore."""
add_function(self, func, expects=(), returns=(), base_iri=None, standard='emmo', cost=None, func_name=None, module_name=None, package_name=None, pypi_package_name=None)
Inspect function and add triples describing it to the triplestore.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
func |
'Union[Callable, str]' |
Function to describe. Should either be a callable or a string with a unique function IRI. |
required |
expects |
'Union[str, Sequence, Mapping]' |
Sequence of IRIs to ontological concepts corresponding
to positional arguments of |
() |
returns |
'Union[str, Sequence]' |
IRI of return value. May also be given as a sequence of IRIs, if multiple values are returned. |
() |
base_iri |
'Optional[str]' |
Base of the IRI representing the function in the knowledge base. Defaults to the base IRI of the triplestore. |
None |
standard |
str |
Name of ontology to use when describing the function. Valid values are: - "emmo": Elementary Multiperspective Material Ontology (EMMO) - "fno": Function Ontology (FnO) |
'emmo' |
cost |
'Optional[Union[float, Callable]]' |
User-defined cost of following this mapping relation represented as a float. It may be given either as a float or as a callable taking three arguments
and returning the cost as a float. |
None |
func_name |
'Optional[str]' |
Function name. Needed if |
None |
module_name |
'Optional[str]' |
Fully qualified name of Python module implementing
this function. Default is to infer from |
None |
package_name |
'Optional[str]' |
Name of Python package implementing this function.
Default is inferred from either the module or first part of
None |
pypi_package_name |
'Optional[str]' |
Name and version of PyPI package implementing
this mapping function (specified as in requirements.txt).
Defaults to |
None |
Type | Description |
func_iri |
IRI of the added function. |
Source code in tripper/
def add_function( # pylint: disable=too-many-positional-arguments
func: "Union[Callable, str]",
expects: "Union[str, Sequence, Mapping]" = (),
returns: "Union[str, Sequence]" = (),
base_iri: "Optional[str]" = None,
standard: str = "emmo",
cost: "Optional[Union[float, Callable]]" = None,
func_name: "Optional[str]" = None,
module_name: "Optional[str]" = None,
package_name: "Optional[str]" = None,
pypi_package_name: "Optional[str]" = None,
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-arguments
"""Inspect function and add triples describing it to the triplestore.
func: Function to describe. Should either be a callable or a
string with a unique function IRI.
expects: Sequence of IRIs to ontological concepts corresponding
to positional arguments of `func`. May also be given as a
dict mapping argument names to corresponding ontological IRIs.
returns: IRI of return value. May also be given as a sequence
of IRIs, if multiple values are returned.
base_iri: Base of the IRI representing the function in the
knowledge base. Defaults to the base IRI of the triplestore.
standard: Name of ontology to use when describing the function.
Valid values are:
- "emmo": Elementary Multiperspective Material Ontology (EMMO)
- "fno": Function Ontology (FnO)
cost: User-defined cost of following this mapping relation
represented as a float. It may be given either as a
float or as a callable taking three arguments
cost(triplestore, input_iris, output_iri)
and returning the cost as a float.
func_name: Function name. Needed if `func` is given as an IRI.
module_name: Fully qualified name of Python module implementing
this function. Default is to infer from `func`.
implementing the function.
package_name: Name of Python package implementing this function.
Default is inferred from either the module or first part of
pypi_package_name: Name and version of PyPI package implementing
this mapping function (specified as in requirements.txt).
Defaults to `package_name`.
func_iri: IRI of the added function.
if isinstance(expects, str):
expects = [expects]
if isinstance(returns, str):
returns = [returns]
method = getattr(self, f"_add_function_{standard}")
func_iri = method(func, expects, returns, base_iri)
self.function_repo[func_iri] = func if callable(func) else None
if cost is not None:
self._add_cost(cost, func_iri)
# Add standard-independent documentation of how to access the
# mapping function
func=func if callable(func) else None,
return func_iri
add_mapsTo(self, target, source, property_name=None, cost=None, target_cost=True)
Add 'mapsTo' relation to triplestore.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
target |
str |
IRI of target ontological concept. |
required |
source |
str |
Source IRI (or entity object). |
required |
property_name |
'Optional[str]' |
Name of property if |
None |
cost |
'Optional[Union[float, Callable]]' |
User-defined cost of following this mapping relation represented as a float. It may be given either as a float or as a callable taking three arguments
and returning the cost as a float. |
None |
target_cost |
bool |
Whether the cost is assigned to mapping steps
that have |
True |
This is equivalent to the map()
method, but reverts the
two first arguments and adds the property_name
Source code in tripper/
def add_mapsTo( # pylint: disable=too-many-positional-arguments
target: str,
source: str,
property_name: "Optional[str]" = None,
cost: "Optional[Union[float, Callable]]" = None,
target_cost: bool = True,
"""Add 'mapsTo' relation to triplestore.
target: IRI of target ontological concept.
source: Source IRI (or entity object).
property_name: Name of property if `source` is an entity or
an entity IRI.
cost: User-defined cost of following this mapping relation
represented as a float. It may be given either as a
float or as a callable taking three arguments
cost(triplestore, input_iris, output_iri)
and returning the cost as a float.
target_cost: Whether the cost is assigned to mapping steps
that have `target` as output.
This is equivalent to the `map()` method, but reverts the
two first arguments and adds the `property_name` argument.
self.bind("map", MAP)
if not property_name and not isinstance(source, str):
raise TripperError(
"`property_name` is required when `target` is not a string."
target = self.expand_iri(target)
source = self.expand_iri(infer_iri(source))
if property_name:
self.add((f"{source}#{property_name}", MAP.mapsTo, target))
self.add((source, MAP.mapsTo, target))
if cost is not None:
dest = target if target_cost else source
self._add_cost(cost, dest)
add_restriction(self, cls, property, value, type, cardinality=None, hashlength=16)
Add a restriction to a class in the triplestore.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
cls |
str |
IRI of class to which the restriction applies. |
required |
property |
str |
IRI of restriction property. |
required |
value |
'Union[str, Literal]' |
The IRI or literal value of the restriction target. |
required |
type |
'RestrictionType' |
The type of the restriction. Should be one of: - some: existential restriction (value is a class IRI) - only: universal restriction (value is a class IRI) - exactly: cardinality restriction (value is a class IRI) - min: minimum cardinality restriction (value is a class IRI) - max: maximum cardinality restriction (value is a class IRI) - value: Value restriction (value is an IRI of an individual or a literal) |
required |
cardinality |
'Optional[int]' |
the cardinality value for cardinality restrictions. |
None |
hashlength |
int |
Number of bytes in the hash part of the bnode IRI. |
16 |
Type | Description |
str |
The IRI of the created blank node representing the restriction. |
Source code in tripper/
def add_restriction( # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,too-many-positional-arguments
cls: str,
property: str,
value: "Union[str, Literal]",
type: "RestrictionType",
cardinality: "Optional[int]" = None,
hashlength: int = 16,
) -> str:
"""Add a restriction to a class in the triplestore.
cls: IRI of class to which the restriction applies.
property: IRI of restriction property.
value: The IRI or literal value of the restriction target.
type: The type of the restriction. Should be one of:
- some: existential restriction (value is a class IRI)
- only: universal restriction (value is a class IRI)
- exactly: cardinality restriction (value is a class IRI)
- min: minimum cardinality restriction (value is a class IRI)
- max: maximum cardinality restriction (value is a class IRI)
- value: Value restriction (value is an IRI of an individual
or a literal)
cardinality: the cardinality value for cardinality restrictions.
hashlength: Number of bytes in the hash part of the bnode IRI.
The IRI of the created blank node representing the restriction.
iri = bnode_iri(
source=f"{cls} {property} {value} {type} {cardinality}",
triples = [
(cls, RDFS.subClassOf, iri),
(iri, RDF.type, OWL.Restriction),
(iri, OWL.onProperty, property),
if type not in self._restriction_types:
raise ArgumentValueError(
'`type` must be one of: "some", "only", "exactly", "min", '
'"max" or "value"'
pred, card = self._restriction_types[type]
triples.append((iri, pred, value))
if card:
if not cardinality:
raise ArgumentTypeError(
f"`cardinality` must be provided for type='{type}'"
Literal(cardinality, datatype=XSD.nonNegativeInteger),
return iri
add_triples(self, triples)
Add a sequence of triples.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
triples |
'Iterable[Triple]' |
A sequence of |
required |
Source code in tripper/
def add_triples(self, triples: "Iterable[Triple]") -> None:
"""Add a sequence of triples.
triples: A sequence of `(s, p, o)` tuples to add to the
bind(self, prefix, namespace='', **kwargs)
Bind prefix to namespace and return the new Namespace object.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
prefix |
str |
Prefix to bind the the namespace. |
required |
namespace |
'Union[str, Namespace, Triplestore, None]' |
Namespace to bind to. The default is to bind to the
'' |
kwargs |
Keyword arguments are passed to the Namespace() constructor. |
{} |
Type | Description |
Namespace |
New Namespace object or None if namespace is removed. |
Source code in tripper/
def bind( # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements
prefix: str,
namespace: "Union[str, Namespace, Triplestore, None]" = "",
) -> Namespace:
"""Bind prefix to namespace and return the new Namespace object.
prefix: Prefix to bind the the namespace.
namespace: Namespace to bind to. The default is to bind to the
`base_iri` of the current triplestore.
If `namespace` is None, the corresponding prefix is removed.
kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed to the Namespace()
New Namespace object or None if namespace is removed.
if namespace == "":
namespace = self
if isinstance(namespace, str):
ns = Namespace(namespace, **kwargs)
elif isinstance(namespace, Triplestore):
if not namespace.base_iri:
raise ValueError(
f"triplestore object {namespace} has no `base_iri`"
ns = Namespace(namespace.base_iri, **kwargs)
elif isinstance(namespace, Namespace):
# pylint: disable=protected-access
ns = Namespace(namespace._iri, **kwargs)
elif namespace is None:
del self.namespaces[prefix]
return # type: ignore
raise TypeError(f"invalid `namespace` type: {type(namespace)}")
if hasattr(self.backend, "bind"):
prefix, ns._iri # pylint: disable=protected-access
self.namespaces[prefix] = ns
return ns
Calls the backend close() method if it is implemented. Otherwise, this method has no effect.
Source code in tripper/
def close(self) -> None:
"""Calls the backend close() method if it is implemented.
Otherwise, this method has no effect.
# It should be ok to call close() regardless of whether the backend
# implements this method or not. Hence, don't call _check_method().
if not self.closed and hasattr(self.backend, "close"):
self.closed = True
create_database(backend, database, **kwargs)
Create a new database in backend.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
backend |
str |
Name of backend. |
required |
database |
str |
Name of the new database. |
required |
kwargs |
Keyword arguments passed to the backend create_database() method. |
{} |
This is a class method, which operates on the backend triplestore without connecting to it.
Source code in tripper/
def create_database(cls, backend: str, database: str, **kwargs):
"""Create a new database in backend.
backend: Name of backend.
database: Name of the new database.
kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the backend
create_database() method.
This is a class method, which operates on the backend
triplestore without connecting to it.
cls._check_backend_method(backend, "create_database")
backend_class = cls._get_backend(backend)
return backend_class.create_database(database=database, **kwargs)
eval_function(self, func_iri, args=(), kwargs=None)
Evaluate mapping function and return the result.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
func_iri |
IRI of the function to be evaluated. |
required | |
args |
Sequence of positional arguments passed to the function. |
() |
kwargs |
Mapping of keyword arguments passed to the function. |
None |
Type | Description |
'Any' |
The return value of the function. |
The current implementation does not protect against side effect or malicious code. Be warned! This may be improved in the future.
Source code in tripper/
def eval_function(self, func_iri, args=(), kwargs=None) -> "Any":
"""Evaluate mapping function and return the result.
func_iri: IRI of the function to be evaluated.
args: Sequence of positional arguments passed to the function.
kwargs: Mapping of keyword arguments passed to the function.
The return value of the function.
The current implementation does not protect against side
effect or malicious code. Be warned!
This may be improved in the future.
func = self._get_function(func_iri)
if not kwargs:
kwargs = {}
# FIXME: Add sandboxing
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
return result
expand_iri(self, iri)
Return the full IRI if iri
is prefixed.
Otherwise iri
>>> from tripper import Triplestore
>>> ts = Triplestore(backend="rdflib")
# Unknown prefix raises an exception
>>> ts.expand_iri("ex:Concept") # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):
tripper.errors.NamespaceError: unknown namespace: 'ex'
>>> EX = ts.bind("ex", "")
>>> ts.expand_iri("ex:Concept")
# Returns iri if it has no prefix
>>> ts.expand_iri("")
Source code in tripper/
def expand_iri(self, iri: str):
Return the full IRI if `iri` is prefixed.
Otherwise `iri` isreturned.
>>> from tripper import Triplestore
>>> ts = Triplestore(backend="rdflib")
# Unknown prefix raises an exception
>>> ts.expand_iri("ex:Concept") # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):
tripper.errors.NamespaceError: unknown namespace: 'ex'
>>> EX = ts.bind("ex", "")
>>> ts.expand_iri("ex:Concept")
# Returns iri if it has no prefix
>>> ts.expand_iri("")
match = re.match(_MATCH_PREFIXED_IRI, iri)
if match:
prefix, name = match.groups()
if prefix is None:
prefix = ""
if prefix not in self.namespaces:
raise NamespaceError(f"unknown namespace: '{prefix}'")
return f"{self.namespaces[prefix]}{name}"
return iri
has(self, subject=None, predicate=None, object=None)
Returns true if the triplestore has any triple matching the give subject, predicate and/or object.
Source code in tripper/
def has(
self, subject=None, predicate=None, object=None
): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
"""Returns true if the triplestore has any triple matching
the give subject, predicate and/or object."""
triple = self.triples(
subject=subject, predicate=predicate, object=object
except StopIteration:
return False
return True
list_databases(backend, **kwargs)
For backends that supports multiple databases, list of all databases.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
backend |
str |
Name of backend. |
required |
kwargs |
Keyword arguments passed to the backend list_databases() method. |
{} |
This is a class method, which operates on the backend triplestore without connecting to it.
Source code in tripper/
def list_databases(cls, backend: str, **kwargs):
"""For backends that supports multiple databases, list of all
backend: Name of backend.
kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the backend
list_databases() method.
This is a class method, which operates on the backend
triplestore without connecting to it.
cls._check_backend_method(backend, "list_databases")
backend_class = cls._get_backend(backend)
return backend_class.list_databases(**kwargs)
map(self, source, target, cost=None, target_cost=True)
Add 'mapsTo' relation to the triplestore.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
source |
str |
Source IRI. |
required |
target |
str |
IRI of target ontological concept. |
required |
cost |
'Optional[Union[float, Callable]]' |
User-defined cost of following this mapping relation represented as a float. It may be given either as a float or as a callable taking three arguments
and returning the cost as a float. |
None |
target_cost |
bool |
Whether the cost is assigned to mapping steps
that have |
True |
Source code in tripper/
def map(
source: str,
target: str,
cost: "Optional[Union[float, Callable]]" = None,
target_cost: bool = True,
"""Add 'mapsTo' relation to the triplestore.
source: Source IRI.
target: IRI of target ontological concept.
cost: User-defined cost of following this mapping relation
represented as a float. It may be given either as a
float or as a callable taking three arguments
cost(triplestore, input_iris, output_iri)
and returning the cost as a float.
target_cost: Whether the cost is assigned to mapping steps
that have `target` as output.
return self.add_mapsTo(
objects(self, subject=None, predicate=None)
Returns a generator of objects for given subject and predicate.
Source code in tripper/
def objects(self, subject=None, predicate=None):
"""Returns a generator of objects for given subject and predicate."""
for _, _, o in self.triples(subject=subject, predicate=predicate):
yield o
parse(self, source=None, format=None, fallback_backend='rdflib', fallback_backend_kwargs=None, **kwargs)
Parse source and add the resulting triples to triplestore.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
source |
File-like object. File name or URL. |
None |
format |
Needed if format can not be inferred from source. |
None |
fallback_backend |
If the current backend doesn't implement
parse, use the |
'rdflib' |
fallback_backend_kwargs |
Dict with additional keyword arguments
for initialising |
None |
kwargs |
Keyword arguments passed to the backend.
The rdflib backend supports e.g. |
{} |
Source code in tripper/
def parse(
**kwargs, # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
) -> None:
"""Parse source and add the resulting triples to triplestore.
source: File-like object. File name or URL.
format: Needed if format can not be inferred from source.
fallback_backend: If the current backend doesn't implement
parse, use the `fallback_backend` instead.
fallback_backend_kwargs: Dict with additional keyword arguments
for initialising `fallback_backend`.
kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the backend.
The rdflib backend supports e.g. `location` (absolute
or relative URL) and `data` (string containing the
data to be parsed) arguments.
if hasattr(self.backend, "parse"):
self.backend.parse(source=source, format=format, **kwargs)
if fallback_backend_kwargs is None:
fallback_backend_kwargs = {}
ts = Triplestore(
backend=fallback_backend, **fallback_backend_kwargs
ts.parse(source=source, format=format, **kwargs)
if hasattr(self.backend, "namespaces"):
for prefix, namespace in self.backend.namespaces().items():
if prefix and prefix not in self.namespaces:
self.namespaces[prefix] = Namespace(namespace)
predicate_objects(self, subject=None)
Returns a generator of (predicate, object) tuples for given subject.
Source code in tripper/
def predicate_objects(self, subject=None):
"""Returns a generator of (predicate, object) tuples for given
for _, p, o in self.triples(subject=subject):
yield p, o
predicates(self, subject=None, object=None)
Returns a generator of predicates for given subject and object.
Source code in tripper/
def predicates(
self, subject=None, object=None # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
"""Returns a generator of predicates for given subject and object."""
for _, p, _ in self.triples(subject=subject, object=object):
yield p
prefix_iri(self, iri, require_prefixed=False)
Return prefixed IRI.
This is the reverse of expand_iri().
If require_prefixed
is true, a NamespaceError exception is raised
if no prefix can be found.
from tripper import Triplestore ts = Triplestore(backend="rdflib") ts.prefix_iri("") ''
ts.prefix_iri( ... "", require_prefixed=True ... ) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... tripper.errors.NamespaceError: No prefix defined for IRI:
EX = ts.bind("ex", "") ts.prefix_iri("") 'ex:Concept'
Source code in tripper/
def prefix_iri(self, iri: str, require_prefixed: bool = False):
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
"""Return prefixed IRI.
This is the reverse of expand_iri().
If `require_prefixed` is true, a NamespaceError exception is raised
if no prefix can be found.
>>> from tripper import Triplestore
>>> ts = Triplestore(backend="rdflib")
>>> ts.prefix_iri("")
>>> ts.prefix_iri(
... "", require_prefixed=True
... ) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):
tripper.errors.NamespaceError: No prefix defined for IRI:
>>> EX = ts.bind("ex", "")
>>> ts.prefix_iri("")
if not re.match(_MATCH_PREFIXED_IRI, iri):
for prefix, namespace in self.namespaces.items():
if iri.startswith(str(namespace)):
return f"{prefix}:{iri[len(str(namespace)):]}"
if require_prefixed:
raise NamespaceError(f"No prefix defined for IRI: {iri}")
return iri
query(self, query_object, **kwargs)
SPARQL query.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
query_object |
String with the SPARQL query. |
required | |
kwargs |
Keyword arguments passed to the backend query() method. |
{} |
Type | Description |
The return type depends on type of query |
This method is intended for SELECT, ASK, CONSTRUCT and DESCRIBE queries. Use the update() method for INSERT and DELETE queries.
Not all backends may support all types of queries.
Source code in tripper/
def query(
self, query_object, **kwargs
) -> "Union[List[Tuple[str, ...]], bool, Generator[Triple, None, None]]":
"""SPARQL query.
query_object: String with the SPARQL query.
kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the backend query() method.
The return type depends on type of query:
- SELECT: list of tuples of IRIs for each matching row
- ASK: bool
- CONSTRUCT, DESCRIBE: generator over triples
This method is intended for SELECT, ASK, CONSTRUCT and
DESCRIBE queries. Use the update() method for INSERT and
DELETE queries.
Not all backends may support all types of queries.
return self.backend.query(query_object=query_object, **kwargs)
remove(self, subject=None, predicate=None, object=None, triple=None)
Remove all matching triples from the backend.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
subject |
'Optional[Union[str, Triple]]' |
If given, match triples with this subject.
For backward compatibility |
None |
predicate |
'Optional[str]' |
If given, match triples with this predicate. |
None |
object |
'Optional[Union[str, Literal]]' |
If given, match triples with this object. |
None |
triple |
'Optional[Triple]' |
Deprecated. A |
None |
Source code in tripper/
def remove( # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
subject: "Optional[Union[str, Triple]]" = None,
predicate: "Optional[str]" = None,
object: "Optional[Union[str, Literal]]" = None,
triple: "Optional[Triple]" = None,
) -> None:
"""Remove all matching triples from the backend.
subject: If given, match triples with this subject.
For backward compatibility `subject` may also be an
`(s, p, o)` triple.
predicate: If given, match triples with this predicate.
object: If given, match triples with this object.
triple: Deprecated. A `(s, p, o)` tuple where `s`, `p` and `o`
should either be None (matching anything) or an exact IRI
to match.
# __TODO__: Remove these lines when deprecated
if triple or (subject and not isinstance(subject, str)):
"The `triple` argument is deprecated. Use `subject`, "
"`predicate` and `object` arguments instead.",
if subject and not isinstance(subject, str):
subject, predicate, object = subject
elif triple:
subject, predicate, object = triple
return self.backend.remove((subject, predicate, object))
remove_database(backend, database, **kwargs)
Remove a database in backend.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
backend |
str |
Name of backend. |
required |
database |
str |
Name of the database to be removed. |
required |
kwargs |
Keyword arguments passed to the backend remove_database() method. |
{} |
This is a class method, which operates on the backend triplestore without connecting to it.
Source code in tripper/
def remove_database(cls, backend: str, database: str, **kwargs):
"""Remove a database in backend.
backend: Name of backend.
database: Name of the database to be removed.
kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the backend
remove_database() method.
This is a class method, which operates on the backend
triplestore without connecting to it.
cls._check_backend_method(backend, "remove_database")
backend_class = cls._get_backend(backend)
return backend_class.remove_database(database=database, **kwargs)
restrictions(self, cls=None, property=None, value=None, type=None, cardinality=None, asdict=True)
Returns a generator over matching restrictions.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
cls |
'Optional[str]' |
IRI of class to which the restriction applies. |
None |
property |
'Optional[str]' |
IRI of restriction property. |
None |
value |
'Optional[Union[str, Literal]]' |
The IRI or literal value of the restriction target. |
None |
type |
'Optional[RestrictionType]' |
The type of the restriction. Should be one of: - some: existential restriction (value is a class IRI) - only: universal restriction (value is a class IRI) - exactly: cardinality restriction (value is a class IRI) - min: minimum cardinality restriction (value is a class IRI) - max: maximum cardinality restriction (value is a class IRI) - value: Value restriction (value is an IRI of an individual or a literal) |
None |
cardinality |
'Optional[int]' |
the cardinality value for cardinality restrictions. |
None |
asdict |
bool |
Whether to returned generator is over dicts (see _get_restriction_dict()). Default is to return a generator over blank node IRIs. |
True |
Type | Description |
'Generator[Triple, None, None]' |
A generator over matching restrictions. See |
Source code in tripper/
def restrictions( # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,too-many-positional-arguments
cls: "Optional[str]" = None,
property: "Optional[str]" = None,
value: "Optional[Union[str, Literal]]" = None,
type: "Optional[RestrictionType]" = None,
cardinality: "Optional[int]" = None,
asdict: bool = True,
) -> "Generator[Triple, None, None]":
# pylint: disable=too-many-boolean-expressions
"""Returns a generator over matching restrictions.
cls: IRI of class to which the restriction applies.
property: IRI of restriction property.
value: The IRI or literal value of the restriction target.
type: The type of the restriction. Should be one of:
- some: existential restriction (value is a class IRI)
- only: universal restriction (value is a class IRI)
- exactly: cardinality restriction (value is a class IRI)
- min: minimum cardinality restriction (value is a class IRI)
- max: maximum cardinality restriction (value is a class IRI)
- value: Value restriction (value is an IRI of an individual
or a literal)
cardinality: the cardinality value for cardinality restrictions.
asdict: Whether to returned generator is over dicts (see
_get_restriction_dict()). Default is to return a generator
over blank node IRIs.
A generator over matching restrictions. See `asdict` argument
for types iterated over.
if type is None:
types = set(self._restriction_types.keys())
elif type not in self._restriction_types:
raise ArgumentValueError(
f"Invalid `type='{type}'`, it must be one of: "
f"{', '.join(self._restriction_types.keys())}."
types = {type} if isinstance(type, str) else set(type)
if isinstance(value, Literal):
elif isinstance(value, str):
if cardinality:
types.intersection_update({"exactly", "min", "max"})
if not types:
raise ArgumentValueError(
f"Inconsistent type='{type}', value='{value}' and "
f"cardinality='{cardinality}' arguments"
pred = {self._restriction_types[t][0] for t in types}
card = {
for t in types
if self._restriction_types[t][1]
if cardinality:
lcard = Literal(cardinality, datatype=XSD.nonNegativeInteger)
for iri in self.subjects(predicate=OWL.onProperty, object=property):
if (
self.has(iri, RDF.type, OWL.Restriction)
and (not cls or self.has(cls, RDFS.subClassOf, iri))
and any(self.has(iri, p, value) for p in pred)
and (
not card
or not cardinality
or any(self.has(iri, c, lcard) for c in card)
yield self._get_restriction_dict(iri) if asdict else iri
serialize(self, destination=None, format='turtle', fallback_backend='rdflib', fallback_backend_kwargs=None, **kwargs)
Serialise triplestore.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
destination |
File name or object to write to. If None, the serialisation is returned. |
None |
format |
Format to serialise as. Supported formats, depends on the backend. |
'turtle' |
fallback_backend |
If the current backend doesn't implement
serialisation, use the |
'rdflib' |
fallback_backend_kwargs |
Dict with additional keyword arguments
for initialising |
None |
kwargs |
Passed to the backend serialize() method. |
{} |
Type | Description |
'Union[None, str]' |
Serialized string if |
Source code in tripper/
def serialize(
format="turtle", # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
) -> "Union[None, str]":
"""Serialise triplestore.
destination: File name or object to write to. If None, the
serialisation is returned.
format: Format to serialise as. Supported formats, depends on
the backend.
fallback_backend: If the current backend doesn't implement
serialisation, use the `fallback_backend` instead.
fallback_backend_kwargs: Dict with additional keyword arguments
for initialising `fallback_backend`.
kwargs: Passed to the backend serialize() method.
Serialized string if `destination` is None.
if hasattr(self.backend, "parse"):
return self.backend.serialize(
destination=destination, format=format, **kwargs
if fallback_backend_kwargs is None:
fallback_backend_kwargs = {}
ts = Triplestore(backend=fallback_backend, **fallback_backend_kwargs)
for prefix, iri in self.namespaces.items():
ts.bind(prefix, iri)
return ts.serialize(destination=destination, format=format, **kwargs)
set(self, triple)
Convenience method to update the value of object.
Removes any existing triples for subject and predicate before adding
the given triple
Source code in tripper/
def set(self, triple):
"""Convenience method to update the value of object.
Removes any existing triples for subject and predicate before adding
the given `triple`.
s, p, _ = triple
self.remove(s, p)
subject_objects(self, predicate=None)
Returns a generator of (subject, object) tuples for given predicate.
Source code in tripper/
def subject_objects(self, predicate=None):
"""Returns a generator of (subject, object) tuples for given
for s, _, o in self.triples(predicate=predicate):
yield s, o
subject_predicates(self, object=None)
Returns a generator of (subject, predicate) tuples for given object.
Source code in tripper/
def subject_predicates(
self, object=None
): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
"""Returns a generator of (subject, predicate) tuples for given
for s, p, _ in self.triples(object=object):
yield s, p
subjects(self, predicate=None, object=None)
Returns a generator of subjects for given predicate and object.
Source code in tripper/
def subjects(
self, predicate=None, object=None # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
"""Returns a generator of subjects for given predicate and object."""
for s, _, _ in self.triples(predicate=predicate, object=object):
yield s
triples(self, subject=None, predicate=None, object=None, triple=None)
Returns a generator over matching triples.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
subject |
'Optional[Union[str, Triple]]' |
If given, match triples with this subject. |
None |
predicate |
'Optional[str]' |
If given, match triples with this predicate. |
None |
object |
'Optional[Union[str, Literal]]' |
If given, match triples with this object. |
None |
triple |
'Optional[Triple]' |
Deprecated. A |
None |
Type | Description |
'Generator[Triple, None, None]' |
Generator over all matching triples. |
Source code in tripper/
def triples( # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
subject: "Optional[Union[str, Triple]]" = None,
predicate: "Optional[str]" = None,
object: "Optional[Union[str, Literal]]" = None,
triple: "Optional[Triple]" = None,
) -> "Generator[Triple, None, None]":
"""Returns a generator over matching triples.
subject: If given, match triples with this subject.
predicate: If given, match triples with this predicate.
object: If given, match triples with this object.
triple: Deprecated. A `(s, p, o)` tuple where `s`, `p` and `o`
should either be None (matching anything) or an exact IRI
to match.
Generator over all matching triples.
# __TODO__: Remove these lines when deprecated
if triple or (subject and not isinstance(subject, str)):
"The `triple` argument is deprecated. Use `subject`, "
"`predicate` and `object` arguments instead.",
if subject and not isinstance(subject, str):
subject, predicate, object = subject
elif triple:
subject, predicate, object = triple
return self.backend.triples((subject, predicate, object))
update(self, update_object, **kwargs)
Update triplestore with SPARQL.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
update_object |
String with the SPARQL query. |
required | |
kwargs |
Keyword arguments passed to the backend update() method. |
{} |
This method is intended for INSERT and DELETE queries. Use the query() method for SELECT, ASK, CONSTRUCT and DESCRIBE queries.
Source code in tripper/
def update(self, update_object, **kwargs) -> None:
"""Update triplestore with SPARQL.
update_object: String with the SPARQL query.
kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the backend update() method.
This method is intended for INSERT and DELETE queries. Use
the query() method for SELECT, ASK, CONSTRUCT and DESCRIBE queries.
return self.backend.update(update_object=update_object, **kwargs)
value(self, subject=None, predicate=None, object=None, default=None, any=False, lang=None)
Return the value for a pair of two criteria.
Useful if one knows that there may only be one value.
Two of subject
, predicate
or object
must be provided.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
subject |
Possible criteria to match. |
None |
predicate |
Possible criteria to match. |
None |
object |
Possible criteria to match. |
None |
default |
Value to return if no matches are found. |
None |
any |
Used to define how many values to return. Can be set to:
False |
lang |
If provided, require that the value must be a localised literal with the given language code. |
None |
Type | Description |
'Union[str, Literal]' |
The value of the |
Source code in tripper/
def value( # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,too-many-positional-arguments
) -> "Union[str, Literal]":
"""Return the value for a pair of two criteria.
Useful if one knows that there may only be one value.
Two of `subject`, `predicate` or `object` must be provided.
subject: Possible criteria to match.
predicate: Possible criteria to match.
object: Possible criteria to match.
default: Value to return if no matches are found.
any: Used to define how many values to return. Can be set to:
`False` (default): return the value or raise UniquenessError
if there is more than one matching value.
`True`: return any matching value if there is more than one.
`None`: return a generator over all matching values.
lang: If provided, require that the value must be a localised
literal with the given language code.
The value of the `subject`, `predicate` or `object` that is
spo = (subject, predicate, object)
if sum(iri is None for iri in spo) != 1:
raise ValueError(
"Exactly one of `subject`, `predicate` or `object` must be "
# Index of subject-predicate-object argument that is None
(idx,) = [i for i, v in enumerate(spo) if v is None]
triples = self.triples(subject, predicate, object)
if lang:
triples = (
for t in triples
if isinstance(t[idx], Literal)
and t[idx].lang == lang # type: ignore
if any is None:
return (t[idx] for t in triples) # type: ignore
value = next(triples)[idx]
except StopIteration:
return default
except StopIteration:
return value
if any is True:
return value
raise UniquenessError("More than one match")