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Provides a simple representation of namespaces.


Represent a namespace.


Name Type Description Default
iri str

IRI of namespace to represent.

label_annotations Union[Sequence, bool]

Sequence of label annotations. If given, check the underlying ontology during attribute access if the name correspond to a label. The label annotations should be ordered from highest to lowest precedense. If True is provided, label_annotations is set to (SKOS.prefLabel, RDF.label, SKOS.altLabel).

check bool

Whether to check underlying ontology if the IRI exists during attribute access. If true, NoSuchIRIError will be raised if the IRI does not exist in this namespace.

reload Optional[bool]

Whether to reload the ontology (which is needed when label_annotations or check are given) disregardless whether it has been cached locally.

triplestore Optional[Union[Triplestore, str]]

Use this triplestore for label lookup and checking. Can be either a Triplestore object or an URL to load from. Defaults to iri.

format Optional[str]

Format to use when loading from a triplestore.

cachemode int

Deprecated. Use reload instead (with cachemode=NO_CACHE corresponding to reload=True).

triplestore_url Optional[str]

Deprecated. Use the triplestore argument instead.

Source code in tripper/
class Namespace:
    """Represent a namespace.

        iri: IRI of namespace to represent.
        label_annotations: Sequence of label annotations. If given, check
            the underlying ontology during attribute access if the name
            correspond to a label. The label annotations should be ordered
            from highest to lowest precedense.
            If True is provided, `label_annotations` is set to
            ``(SKOS.prefLabel, RDF.label, SKOS.altLabel)``.
        check: Whether to check underlying ontology if the IRI exists during
            attribute access.  If true, NoSuchIRIError will be raised if the
            IRI does not exist in this namespace.
        reload: Whether to reload the ontology (which is needed when
            `label_annotations` or `check` are given) disregardless whether it
            has been cached locally.
        triplestore: Use this triplestore for label lookup and checking.
            Can be either a Triplestore object or an URL to load from.
            Defaults to `iri`.
        format: Format to use when loading from a triplestore.
        cachemode: Deprecated. Use `reload` instead (with `cachemode=NO_CACHE`
            corresponding to `reload=True`).
        triplestore_url: Deprecated. Use the `triplestore` argument instead.

    __slots__ = (
        "_iri",  # Ontology IRI
        "_label_annotations",  # Recognised annotations for labels
        "_check",  # Whether to check that IRIs exists
        "_iris",  # Dict mapping labels to IRIs
        "_reload",  # Whether to reload
        "_triplestore",  # Triplestore for label lookup and checking
        "_format",  # Format to use when loading from a triplestore

    def __init__(  # pylint: disable=too-many-positional-arguments
        iri: str,
        label_annotations: "Union[Sequence, bool]" = (),
        check: bool = False,
        reload: "Optional[bool]" = None,
        triplestore: "Optional[Union[Triplestore, str]]" = None,
        format: "Optional[str]" = None,
        cachemode: int = -1,
        triplestore_url: "Optional[str]" = None,
        # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
        if cachemode != -1:
                "The `cachemode` argument of Triplestore.__init__() is "
                "deprecated.  Use `reload` instead (with `cachemode=NO_CACHE` "
                "corresponding to `reload=True`).\n\n"
                "Will be removed in v0.3.",
            if reload is None and cachemode == 0:
                reload = True

        if triplestore_url:
                "The `triplestore_url` argument of Triplestore.__init__() is "
                "deprecated.  Use the `triplestore` argument instead (which "
                "now accepts a string argument with the URL).\n\n"
                "Will be removed in v0.3.",
            if triplestore is None:
                triplestore = triplestore_url

        if label_annotations is True:
            label_annotations = (SKOS.prefLabel, RDF.label, SKOS.altLabel)

        need_triplestore = bool(check or label_annotations)

        self._iri = str(iri)
        self._label_annotations = (
            tuple(label_annotations) if label_annotations else ()
        self._check = bool(check)
        self._iris: "Optional[dict]" = {} if need_triplestore else None
        self._reload = reload
        self._triplestore = triplestore
        self._format = format

    def _update_iris(self, triplestore=None, reload=False, format=None):
        """Update the internal cache from `triplestore`.

        If `reload` is true, reload regardless we have a local cache.
        # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin

        # Import Triplestore here to avoid cyclic import
        from .triplestore import (  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,cyclic-import

        if not reload and self._load_cache():

        if triplestore is None:
            triplestore = self._iri

        if isinstance(triplestore, (str, Path)):
            # Ignore UnusedArgumentWarning when creating triplestore
            with warnings.catch_warnings():
                warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=UnusedArgumentWarning)
                ts = Triplestore("rdflib")
            ts.parse(triplestore, format=format)
        elif isinstance(triplestore, Triplestore):
            ts = triplestore
        elif not isinstance(triplestore, Triplestore):
            raise NamespaceError(
                "If given, `triplestore` argument must be either a URL "
                "(string), Path or a Triplestore object."

        # Add (label, full_iri) pairs
        iri = self._iri.rstrip("/#")
        for label in reversed(self._label_annotations):
                (getattr(o, "value", o), s)
                for s, o in ts.subject_objects(label)
                if s.startswith(iri)

        # Add (name, full_iri) pairs
            (s[len(self._iri) :], s)
            for s in ts.subjects()
            if s.startswith(iri)

    def _get_cachefile(self) -> Path:
        """Return path to cache file for this namespace."""
        # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args
        name = self._iri.rstrip("#/").rsplit("/", 1)[-1]
        hashno = hashlib.shake_128(self._iri.encode()).hexdigest(5)
        return get_cachedir() / f"{name}-{hashno}.cache"

    def _save_cache(self):
        """Save current cache."""
        # pylint: disable=invalid-name
            cachefile = self._get_cachefile()
            if self._iris and not sys.is_finalizing():
                with open(cachefile, "wb") as f:
                    pickle.dump(self._iris, f)
        except OSError as exc:
                f"Cannot access cache file: {exc}\n\n"
                "You can select cache directory with the XDG_CACHE_HOME "
                "environment variable."

    def _load_cache(self) -> bool:
        """Update cache with cache file.

        Returns true if there exists a cache file to load from.
        # pylint: disable=invalid-name
            cachefile = self._get_cachefile()
            if self._iris is None:
                self._iris = {}
            if cachefile.exists():
                with open(cachefile, "rb") as f:
                    self._iris.update(pickle.load(f))  # nosec
                return True
            return False
        except OSError as exc:
                f"Cannot create cache directory: {exc}\n\n"
                "You can select cache directory with the XDG_CACHE_HOME "
                "environment variable."
            return False

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        if self._iris and name in self._iris:
            return self._iris[name]
        if self._iris == {}:
            if name in self._iris:
                return self._iris[name]
        if self._check:

            # Hack to work around a pytest bug.  During its collection
            # phase pytest tries to mock namespace objects with an
            # attribute `__wrapped__`.
            if name == "__wrapped__":
                return super().__getattr__(self, name)

            msg = ""
                cachefile = self._get_cachefile()
                if cachefile.exists():
                    msg = (
                        "\nMaybe you have to remove the cache file: "
            except OSError as exc:
                    f"Cannot access cache file: {exc}\n\n"
                    "You can select cache directory with the XDG_CACHE_HOME "
                    "environment variable."
            raise NoSuchIRIError(self._iri + name + msg)
        return self._iri + name

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.__getattr__(key)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"Namespace('{self._iri}')"

    def __str__(self):
        return self._iri

    def __add__(self, other):
        return self._iri + str(other)

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self._iri)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self._iri == str(other)

    def __del__(self):
        if self._iris:


Returns cross-platform path to tripper cache directory.

If create is true, create the cache directory if it doesn't exists.

The XDG_CACHE_HOME environment variable is used if it exists.

Source code in tripper/
def get_cachedir(create=True) -> Path:
    """Returns cross-platform path to tripper cache directory.

    If `create` is true, create the cache directory if it doesn't exists.

    The XDG_CACHE_HOME environment variable is used if it exists.
    site_cachedir = os.getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME")
    finaldir = None
    if not site_cachedir:
        if sys.platform.startswith("win32"):
            site_cachedir = Path.home() / "AppData" / "Local"
            finaldir = "Cache"
        elif sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
            site_cachedir = Path.home() / "Library" / "Caches"
        else:  # Default to UNIX
            site_cachedir = Path.home() / ".cache"  # type: ignore
    cachedir = Path(site_cachedir) / "tripper"  # type: ignore
    if finaldir:
        cachedir /= finaldir

    if create:
        path = Path(cachedir.root)
        for part in[1:]:
            path /= part
            if not path.exists():

    return cachedir